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  1. #26
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    That's a pretty nifty idea, I just had the thought my clone may have already escaped once (a potential reason for his scar). Perhaps he could have been captured again, unless the Jinteki would kill him. Otherwise I could just have had him obtain the scar being treated badly by guards or what not?

    As for Spades, I ended up just changing his age to 32. I was thinking he held a major grudge against one of the corporations, perhaps he could have been a low-level guard for it before quitting/running away? I'm just pulling out potential ideas.

  2. #27
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    Default Re: OOC: Android: Undercity

    Quote Originally Posted by Princess Lemon View Post

    That's a pretty nifty idea, I just had the thought my clone may have already escaped once (a potential reason for his scar). Perhaps he could have been captured again, unless the Jinteki would kill him. Otherwise I could just have had him obtain the scar being treated badly by guards or what not?
    I was thinking about it, and your clone did have some flavor of living on their own and stuff. Hurm. Actually Luzifer didn't specify much about how things are with clones. Maybe a theme to play with would be that clones may not have rights, but they can still have lives. Perhaps it has been found that clones operate better when they have a measure of freedom, stimulation, and choice as is the case with "real" humans, and so the concept might be that you have to pay for maintenence and such with androids and Bioroids and they may need some kind of rechaging bay, whereas with clones you have to give 'em an apartment and a certain allowance for music downloads or occasionally renting an Eve for dinner, a movie, and more. Depending on what the clone "wants." But when the call comes out they're expected to obey.

    Actually, since bioroids are based on human brain scans, maybe there is the idea that they work best when they get the occasional free afternoon as well?

    Though if that bothers you than maybe he can be a clone on the run and the team could have just aquired the bioroids and it seems Hollow and I are up for that.

    As for the rest of us, maybe we each have our own backgrounds, but have been working together in some manner for a while. Maybe we've got a shell corporation we've put together to give us a legal "front" to hide behind and handle the money stuff. ( "Team A security consultants" ? Heh, or "The A Team" since nobody would get that in the future. ) The shell corporation could have aquired the new "assets" and give an easy way for whoever to contact us.

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    Default Re: OOC: Android: Undercity


    Just responded to it.
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    09-30-2013 08:14 PM
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    Default Re: OOC: Android: Undercity

    Quote Originally Posted by sunnyside View Post
    I was thinking about it, and your clone did have some flavor of living on their own and stuff. Hurm. Actually Luzifer didn't specify much about how things are with clones. Maybe a theme to play with would be that clones may not have rights, but they can still have lives. Perhaps it has been found that clones operate better when they have a measure of freedom, stimulation, and choice as is the case with "real" humans, and so the concept might be that you have to pay for maintenence and such with androids and Bioroids and they may need some kind of rechaging bay, whereas with clones you have to give 'em an apartment and a certain allowance for music downloads or occasionally renting an Eve for dinner, a movie, and more. Depending on what the clone "wants." But when the call comes out they're expected to obey.

    Actually, since bioroids are based on human brain scans, maybe there is the idea that they work best when they get the occasional free afternoon as well?

    Though if that bothers you than maybe he can be a clone on the run and the team could have just aquired the bioroids and it seems Hollow and I are up for that.

    As for the rest of us, maybe we each have our own backgrounds, but have been working together in some manner for a while. Maybe we've got a shell corporation we've put together to give us a legal "front" to hide behind and handle the money stuff. ( "Team A security consultants" ? Heh, or "The A Team" since nobody would get that in the future. ) The shell corporation could have aquired the new "assets" and give an easy way for whoever to contact us.
    I really like this idea, especially the possibility of being The A Team, with Mavis' personality I kind of envision him as being incarcerated or otherwise imprisoned at an early age. And as his personality is very anger based, it would be cool if his reason for loyalty to the team was something deep-rooted, like by being freed by Quinn in midst of a mission. Thus creating a strained understanding and respect. Just an idea though.

    "If I were to become a lost cause or lose my way, all I ask is that you remember me. Being forgotten is far too cruel."

  6. #30
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    Default Re: OOC: Android: Undercity


    Apologizes for not responding to your email but I agree with your suggestion.

  7. #31
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    Default Re: OOC: Android: Undercity

    Quote Originally Posted by Enemyraidz View Post
    I really like this idea, especially the possibility of being The A Team, with Mavis' personality I kind of envision him as being incarcerated or otherwise imprisoned at an early age. And as his personality is very anger based, it would be cool if his reason for loyalty to the team was something deep-rooted, like by being freed by Quinn in midst of a mission. Thus creating a strained understanding and respect. Just an idea though.
    Ok, that works. Actually this is somewhat shaping up with how I envisioned Quinn’s bio in that he used to be military, than worked for a private military corp (a Blackwater sort of group), and then struck out on his own to get more control over what he had to do (and ideally earn more).

    So maybe that’s the origin of the shell corporation known as (barring a different idea), “A Team Security Services” ATSS or just “the A team”. Which might do a fair bit of completely legit work (ever hear of force on force exercises?) The player characters would be the sort that are willing to actually get in the thick of things, and then as needed Quinn might have some individuals that make us functional within the story but that don’t want any heat (so they’d be NPCs). I’m thinking a pilot with some sort of VTOL craft, a biotech doctor with some subcontracted facilities somewhere to properly patch people up, a fixer type who can move or aquire items and information, and a “secretary” who has the runner skillset and handles much of our information security but is simply not willing to go inside the wire. (I suppose I could flesh them out for Luzifer approval if we do go this direction).

    I notice that a reoccurring theme in our character personalities relate to trust issues. So it might make sense that we’d come together for various specific reasons in the past. It also explains why we’d be interested in acquiring some Bioroids (and maybe a clone depending on how princess lemon wants to play their character) instead of seeking out some new personnel.

    We could maybe start posting at the point in time when the bioroids arrive.

    As for particular people. Hmmmm

    @Hallow Ichigo
    Maybe Fate knew Quinn from the private military corp. She might have gotten kicked out for generally being an ornery cuss and pissing off management. Quinn might have learned to respect her abilities by then.

    @Princess Lemon
    Spades might have been brought onto the team for a specific job because various postings online indiciated he realllllly had it out for the target corp and seemed to have already done a lot of recon. After spending some time working together and hiding out in a safehouse afterwards he generally works with the team.

    Mavis might have been rescued as part of a job. (Maybe corps have jails of some sort and letting the prisoners go was just meant to be a distraction, but Mavis was just too skilled and useful and was such an asset to completing the mission that he earned a place with the team.

    Not sure about Thrasher. He’s pretty young. Maybe he started out life as a child soldier in some nasty third world country, eventually working (still underage though already deadly and experienced) at the private military corp with Quinn (and Fate if she was there).

    @Princess Lemon
    Drake and Alt would have been bought. Marcus could have been bought. Or maybe he’s escaped and was either rescued by the group or perhaps sought them out to have a place to hide out as he thought they might need his skills.
    Last edited by sunnyside; 08-16-2013 at 05:15 PM.

  8. #32
    Neverwinter Gnostic Luzifer has a reputation beyond repute Luzifer has a reputation beyond repute Luzifer has a reputation beyond repute Luzifer has a reputation beyond repute Luzifer has a reputation beyond repute Luzifer has a reputation beyond repute Luzifer has a reputation beyond repute Luzifer has a reputation beyond repute Luzifer has a reputation beyond repute Luzifer has a reputation beyond repute Luzifer has a reputation beyond repute Luzifer's Avatar
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    Default Re: OOC: Android: Undercity

    I love reading your brain storms.

    Mind if I chip in? If you want Quinn to be from a Blackwater type corp, I highly recommend having him be ex-Weyland. While Weyland is nominally a construction company it has a brutal underbelly. Think of it as the mega-corp mafia. He could have been part of one of their dedicated response teams, who kill targets mark by the Weyland higher-ups (often Runners). Might have a falling out with Weyland for (insert reason here) and might color his relations with that particular megacorp

    Speaking of which since, I have a good understanding of the various corps and some of their dealings if anybody wants more information feel free to pm me. It might help with character ideas.
    Last edited by Luzifer; 08-16-2013 at 06:15 PM.
    The tragedy of life comes not from pain, despair, sorrow, or even death; but the constant annihilating amnesia that begs us to forget we live.

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    Default Re: OOC: Android: Undercity

    Well put I think this could definitely be fleshed out to be a very interesting yarn. I was thinking of toning down Mavis' personality to make it him fit a little better if that's cool Sunny?

    "If I were to become a lost cause or lose my way, all I ask is that you remember me. Being forgotten is far too cruel."

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    Default Re: OOC: Android: Undercity

    Quote Originally Posted by Luzifer View Post
    I highly recommend having him be ex-Weyland. While Weyland is nominally a construction company it has a brutal underbelly. Think of it as the mega-corp mafia. He could have been part of one of their dedicated response teams, who kill targets mark by the Weyland higher-ups (often Runners). Might have a falling out with Weyland for (insert reason here) and might color his relations with that particular megacorp
    That works, though he's not some much the ragequit type so much. But that fits with the idea he found the work abhorrent and so he'd be inclined to get out.

    Speaking of which since, I have a good understanding of the various corps and some of their dealings if anybody wants more information feel free to pm me. It might help with character ideas.
    You could post a thing for everybody to read (maybe edit it into the sign up OP along with the stuff on bioroids and clones that you've got scattered around?)

    Or maybe just suggest one(s) for Mavis and Spades?

    Quote Originally Posted by Enemyraidz View Post
    Well put I think this could definitely be fleshed out to be a very interesting yarn. I was thinking of toning down Mavis' personality to make it him fit a little better if that's cool Sunny?
    I'm not quite sure what you mean by tone down. Though in any case you want to have a character that you can play, but also one that you can imagine going somewhere with. Whatever works for you.

    Oh, and I was thinking about @Princess Lemon 's clone. A clone might be a bit tricky to play, so maybe we should throw 'em something useful. Like maybe he starts off as an industrial demolitions model, and "comes" with a powered blast resistant exosuit. Maybe they can be mass produced for that type of clone because the clones are the same size and the suit knows how to interface with their neural patterns etc.

    Heh. Maybe clones and bioroids are competing products. Though I'm just throwing out ideas there.

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    Default Re: OOC: Android: Undercity

    I found a wonderful site with full descriptions of each corp. Use this as a resource, though I reserve the right to alter details about the corp to fit the RP so not everything is gospel. However, that will be in rare cases.



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    Default Re: OOC: Android: Undercity

    Oh, I didn't realize this wasn't a homebrew setting.

    ...wait. This is based on a board game? Well that's rather different.

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    Default Re: OOC: Android: Undercity

    Based on 2 board games and a card game.

    Yeah its not homebrew. I wish it was. I'm a huge fan of the setting, and the card game for what its worth. My character from the sign up is actually a direct character from the setting.
    The tragedy of life comes not from pain, despair, sorrow, or even death; but the constant annihilating amnesia that begs us to forget we live.

  14. #38
    The Lemon Sorceress Princess Lemon has a reputation beyond repute Princess Lemon has a reputation beyond repute Princess Lemon has a reputation beyond repute Princess Lemon has a reputation beyond repute Princess Lemon has a reputation beyond repute Princess Lemon has a reputation beyond repute Princess Lemon has a reputation beyond repute Princess Lemon has a reputation beyond repute Princess Lemon has a reputation beyond repute Princess Lemon has a reputation beyond repute Princess Lemon has a reputation beyond repute Princess Lemon's Avatar
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    Default Re: OOC: Android: Undercity

    The thing I enjoy doing while reading about the corporations is envisioning what their advertisements on TV would look like

    Otherwise @sunnyside

    For Spades, that's a good means of recruitment for him. I was considering him be a low-level guard for Hass-Bioroid (that or Weyland working a bit in the war torn areas) and the corporation (or Spade's superior--probably that) does something to screw him over. So as you suggested he makes several implications on line, the team sees this and they take him on some missions.

    As for Marcus, I had to take a lot of time thinking of what Marcus is going to be like. When I first typed out his personality section I put "and he makes it known that in desperate situations, he is not above terrorism". Yet took that out. I am leaning toward the "he escaped and is looking for a place to lay low" bit, since part of the character is he's spent a lot of time at clubs and got picked up by the night life a bit. Which leads to his drug addiction and excessive use of eve bioroids. Otherwise I'm totally down for doing coming from demolition work. When maybe seeking you out he presented the argument that he's got extensive knowledge on explosives. Combine that with a skilled runner and you have some effective hard-to-find and annoying-to-disarm bombs.

    Otherwise would having NPC's on the team be a legit move we could do?

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    Default Re: OOC: Android: Undercity

    Quote Originally Posted by Luzifer View Post
    Based on 2 board games and a card game.

    Yeah its not homebrew. I wish it was. I'm a huge fan of the setting, and the card game for what its worth. My character from the sign up is actually a direct character from the setting.
    Well, based on that wiki it's almost homebrew, in that the setting isn't that fleshed out, giving you a lot of flexibility. For example the section on cyborgs was basically "there are cyborgs".

    Quote Originally Posted by Princess Lemon View Post
    As for Marcus, I had to take a lot of time thinking of what Marcus is going to be like. When I first typed out his personality section I put "and he makes it known that in desperate situations, he is not above terrorism". Yet took that out. I am leaning toward the "he escaped and is looking for a place to lay low" bit, since part of the character is he's spent a lot of time at clubs and got picked up by the night life a bit. Which leads to his drug addiction and excessive use of eve bioroids. Otherwise I'm totally down for doing coming from demolition work. When maybe seeking you out he presented the argument that he's got extensive knowledge on explosives. Combine that with a skilled runner and you have some effective hard-to-find and annoying-to-disarm bombs.
    I mentioned demolitions because you have his class listed as support (demolitions). Looking through the source marterial wiki Luzifer linked to, it looks like it might be more appropriate to give your character some psychic power as opposed to a special powered suit. Like maybe he gets a premonition ahead of something really bad happening (a useful trait in demolitions!)

    And being on the run works. The players might have different opinions about him (from a regular human with the misfortune of being stamped to a "free" clone that showed up at their doorstep). A psychic ability might have made him worth the risk of getting a fake ID for as well as emphasize that he's "different".

    Otherwise would having NPC's on the team be a legit move we could do?
    That'll be up to Luzifer, but he hasn't indicated a problem yet. I guess in a pinch we could try and get the people with one character to make a second to fill those niches. But as they are purely support NPCs that don't get into the action, they have the advantage of being able to get us where we need to be or whatever without having to rely on a player not dropping.

  16. #40
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    Default Re: OOC: Android: Undercity

    Quote Originally Posted by sunnyside View Post

    That'll be up to Luzifer, but he hasn't indicated a problem yet. I guess in a pinch we could try and get the people with one character to make a second to fill those niches. But as they are purely support NPCs that don't get into the action, they have the advantage of being able to get us where we need to be or whatever without having to rely on a player not dropping.
    You can make new characters to fill holes though I will admit I kind of like the idea that (and intentionally did it so) each group isn't perfect in every situation. Each has its own unique challenges when performing a mission and its own "style". Hence Maru's team has 2 runners and 1 combat specialist vs your team with 2 combat and 1 runner. I believe it would make for better RPing if you avoid going "good at everything" as a team and focus on playing to your strengths rather than hiding your weakness. E.g. maybe go stealthy for the early part of the mission (3 covert), but set demo charges along the way and then when you reach the door your single runner can't breath, blow stuff up and go in hard. Use your demolitions and superior combat abilities to disrupt the defense and secure the objective and leave before they even recover. Own your shortfalls and make them awesome.

    You don't need to worry about some kind of "default mission fail" if you don't have a runner or something similar. So if your runner happens to drop (for example not saying you will Sunny), I'll design the mission so you can still succeed without one. It won't always go smoothly for ya, but the fun doesn't come when things go perfect now does it?
    Last edited by Luzifer; 08-18-2013 at 12:31 AM.
    The tragedy of life comes not from pain, despair, sorrow, or even death; but the constant annihilating amnesia that begs us to forget we live.

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    Default Re: OOC: Android: Undercity

    This is awesome.. I'm loving this RPG and we have yet to even start. So cool. As for Fate I think it would work well if she was apart of the team with Sunny. Due to her personally she could be working off a debt she owes to one of the corps or even Sunny himself. Either way I'd like her to be an existing character within the team.

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    Default Re: OOC: Android: Undercity

    Yay! Thank you 3DS for having special characters.

    @Ωmega @sunnyside two birds with one stone. Sorry to say but my computer is dead at the moment and I have no idea when it will be fixed. I can still check whats going on and everything but I'm limited to that really and small posts. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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    Default Re: OOC: Android: Undercity

    Quote Originally Posted by Enýuacca View Post
    Yay! Thank you 3DS for having special characters.

    @Ωmega @sunnyside two birds with one stone. Sorry to say but my computer is dead at the moment and I have no idea when it will be fixed. I can still check whats going on and everything but I'm limited to that really and small posts. Sorry for the inconvenience.
    Not a problem. Let me know if you'll need anything and I'll do what I can.

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    Default Re: OOC: Android: Undercity

    Quote Originally Posted by Hollow Ichigo View Post
    This is awesome.. I'm loving this RPG and we have yet to even start. So cool. As for Fate I think it would work well if she was apart of the team with Sunny. Due to her personally she could be working off a debt she owes to one of the corps or even Sunny himself. Either way I'd like her to be an existing character within the team.
    A debt angle (maybe owing both?) might be interesting in that it's be a reason for her not to just tell everyone off and leave.

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    Owing both sounds good to me.

    As for Drake I was thinking of him being a recent purchase, as you said, due to his former/current line of work being security and high-risk missions where "'real' casualties are highly likely, afterall he is just a Bioroid and easily replaced.

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    Default Re: OOC: Android: Undercity

    Quote Originally Posted by sunnyside View Post
    I mentioned demolitions because you have his class listed as support (demolitions). Looking through the source marterial wiki Luzifer linked to, it looks like it might be more appropriate to give your character some psychic power as opposed to a special powered suit. Like maybe he gets a premonition ahead of something really bad happening (a useful trait in demolitions!)

    And being on the run works. The players might have different opinions about him (from a regular human with the misfortune of being stamped to a "free" clone that showed up at their doorstep). A psychic ability might have made him worth the risk of getting a fake ID for as well as emphasize that he's "different".

    That ability is useful even outside demolition jobs, it could have saved his butt when at the club. Such as staying away from certain people or re-thinking an action he was about to do. With the way he his (depending if he is JUST joining the team or you had him fro a while) he could use it only for his personal gain or (if he's been with the team for a while) use it to help missions out.

    Regardless he'd do his best to keep his clone identity a secret, possibly share with maybe 1 or 2 people on the team. His trust issue stems from the fact he is an entity that lacks rights and is being hunted down. Since he would turn himself in for a good amount of money, he feels other people would do the same. However being with the team for a while would give a level of trust for him. So his true nature could be revealed or secret. Revealed and seeing he has abilities it goes as you pointed out, value to get a fake ID and such.

    Otherwise the psychic ability plays pretty well with him
    Last edited by Princess Lemon; 08-18-2013 at 07:34 PM.

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    Default Re: OOC: Android: Undercity

    Quote Originally Posted by Princess Lemon View Post
    That ability is useful even outside demolition jobs, it could have saved his butt when at the club. Such as staying away from certain people or re-thinking an action he was about to do. With the way he his (depending if he is JUST joining the team or you had him fro a while) he could use it only for his personal gain or (if he's been with the team for a while) use it to help missions out.

    Regardless he'd do his best to keep his clone identity a secret, possibly share with maybe 1 or 2 people on the team. His trust issue stems from the fact he is an entity that lacks rights and is being hunted down. Since he would turn himself in for a good amount of money, he feels other people would do the same. However being with the team for a while would give a level of trust for him. So his true nature could be revealed or secret. Revealed and seeing he has abilities it goes as you pointed out, value to get a fake ID and such.

    Otherwise the psychic ability plays pretty well with him
    @Luzifer what do you think of such an ability for lemon's clone? That seems to be where the corp is trying to go with clones and that theme seems heavily present in the source material.

    Anyway if you're thinking one or two know, maybe have it be that Quinn, Fate, and the recently deceased combat specialist and runner (who the bioroids are replacing) were the "team" when he showed up. Initially he'd be pretty identifiable due to, well, being a clone. Presumably we'd also have an idea of his psychic abilities, as it would be in his advertising material. We could have helped out with some sort of disguise after that.

    Marcus would have then been around for rescuing Mavis. Maybe we added Thrasher after that and then Spades. Things could have been going well as a team for a while and then the nasty run went down (do we want to flesh that out particularly at this point, some details we could fill in after play starts?) where we lost our only runner willing to go into a facility and our point man. Leaving us in need of more assistance but without anybody obvious that we'd trust, hence the bioroids.

    Seems like we might have something of a working story here. And from the above we might be able to add appropriate corps in. What do you guys think? Any comments on level of detail Luzifer?

    @Hallow Ichigo
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    Sorry about that, went outta town for a bit. Anyway, yeah, I like the child soldier thing, and I can see it with Thrasher. It sounds perfect

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    My only comment on details is that the Nisei's are currently in "beta". Caprice Nisei is the only one thats supposed to be out and about, so you might want to include something about he's either A) a direct escapee from the design, or B) an "alpha" version. The second option might mean that his psychic abilities are wildly influx and unreliable. More random bits of insight than a constantly reliable ability.
    The tragedy of life comes not from pain, despair, sorrow, or even death; but the constant annihilating amnesia that begs us to forget we live.

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    Default Re: OOC: Android: Undercity

    Quote Originally Posted by Luzifer View Post
    My only comment on details is that the Nisei's are currently in "beta". Caprice Nisei is the only one thats supposed to be out and about, so you might want to include something about he's either A) a direct escapee from the design, or B) an "alpha" version. The second option might mean that his psychic abilities are wildly influx and unreliable. More random bits of insight than a constantly reliable ability.
    Ah. The wiki made it sound like they were taking all their model lines that direction and I figured you'd set the game after all of that. However from a player perspective having an army of psychic detectives out there might have been...difficult.

    And while we'll have to see how Lemon responds, you may have only made the prospect of the psychic option more tantilizing. Since he isn't Nisei like at all (as far as I can tell) presumably he'd then be an early version for a different model line. Actually since the Nisei's sound like they're crazy powerful, it's possible his line came first and just wasn't nearly as potent while being prone to vices, but was perhaps a stepping stone. Maybe with the first batch eventually being relegated to ill treatment while going around imploding buildings in dangerous environments. Or if Lemon wants it spicy the "escaped prototype" might work as well yes?
    Last edited by sunnyside; 08-19-2013 at 12:01 PM.

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