Now i don't know about anyone else, but on my religious "journey" i didn't simply go to a religion like i know a lot of people do. I went around a lot of religions, read a lot, asked questions about a lot of things and things like that. For example i know a few members from a Wiccan coven and i was invited to watch them practice and then i asked questions and such. After a few years of doing this on and off i kind of came to my own conclusion and formed my own answers from everything i had learnt and how other people live their life. And i mean everyone even in an organized religion has slightly different beliefs to each over. For example is a guy who 90% agrees with the bible permitted to call him Christian and group himself with others because he's "close enough" but again is anyone permitted to call their selves anything because everyone thinks differently. I was just wondering for some opinions on this No offense is intended.