So what do you say? What would happen if all religions would disappear?
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So what do you say? What would happen if all religions would disappear?
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While it is true that religion is capable of instigating wars, I don't think all wars are caused by religion. Even if are religions were to disappear, it would still be impossible to eradicate wars.
I honestly don't believe it would make too big of a difference.
We humans will find something else to fight over, some other reason to mask the greed behind war.
Some wars are started due to religious/cultural differences, however it's usually down to individuals or governments wanting more power.
So, I don't think it would benefit anyone for religions to be eradicated. It would just make life boring.
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I'd say things would not change much. We'd find something to fight over. On the other hand religion has started plenty of wars in the past so who knows.
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Neither, I think things would be pretty much the same. Wars have always been caused due to a number of factors: Materials and resources, religion, alliances and political differences. I think the main cause of war would be (and arguably currently is) focused around acquiring fossil fuels such as Oil and other resources.
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I think more war because some religions say its bad for them to have war you know... and if that religion was eradicated (I USED A BIG WORD) They might try to start something or whatnot >.>
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Religion has only ever been an excuse for war. We'd still go to war even if religion didn't exist. It's simply human nature. As such peace will never be achieved.
Religion is like a gun. People get killed with guns, but seldom by guns. It generally takes someone firing the bullet.
Take Al Quaeda's terror campaign, for example. They're a bunch of religious fanatics is what they are, but people like that don't sprout out of the ground for no reason. They exist as a direct reaction to proxy warfare between the US and Soviets during the cold war and the international meddling that went around during the time.
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Depends on the religion. Being part of a certain religion is like being part of a race, and as long as there is what we call "race", there would be "racial discrimination". And the conquest by who thinks is the best race, have been a cause of war.
But indeed, religion is not the only reason for war. War is rooted from the nature, not only of humans, but also of every living organism struggling for survival. Thus, life on Earth is a survival of the fittest. Bitter but real.
If all religeon disapeared, alot worse things could happen then nations warring with eachother. At least what alot of people think is that people will go crazy with no purpose in life and/or in other words "rape loot and pillage". Haha, But on a serious note. I realy wish that world peace was a possible thing. It seams the more higher up in life you get, as in popularity and power, the more corrupt humans tend to become. Ofcource this is no way every case, and also its just one opinion. Shoot now im all depresed, only death can set us free! Later!![]()
Last edited by Explorer Oak; 03-22-2012 at 06:41 PM.
Religions don't start wars.
People do.
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Religion would not be considered to be such an instigating factor if the followers of said religions would just be nice to everyone else not of their religion. I'm not saying be a "goody two shoes", just civil in an "agree to disagree and leave it at that" context.
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A good deal of wars would have not happened, all I'm saying.
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While our new religion-free world will not be poisoned by war alone, there will definitely not be any sort of world peace. Many people who refuse to do certain things due to religion, will no longer have that chain. There will be more crimes committed, I am sure. There will no longer be fights over religion and lots of people's lives will be spared (as much as I hate to say it, I believe there are still people out there show ill not hesitate to kill you because you are "the devil's child" or something of that manner). But, like @Sallyandro said, we'd find other reasons to go to war. There will be other things that take the place of religion. A lot more people would be scared of death as well, don't you think? Without religion you can't say there's a heaven to look forward to, can you?
I doubt it change mostly our current status of wars and such it all depends on back reasons such as, ideas, and whatnot... half the time religion is not involved at all but that's how I see it
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I'm very much anti-religion, but I'm leery of blaming religion for war. Wars are fought over resources.
However, I notice that religion is used to justify a lot of these terrible things, and therefore I think it deserves blame anyway.
Last edited by Aulos; 03-23-2012 at 12:36 AM.
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Hmm. War can still happen without religion though. but I highly believe, without religion. There isn't much peace in the world too.
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By nature human beings are cruel and unforgiving creatures with a high sense of territory ownership. Yes it is often the case in some areas within the world that religion does start these wars however what you need to remember is that people who start wars in the name of their god are extremists and end up having nothing to do wi the religion because at the end of the day all religions promote peace and goodwill to the rest of humanity and says nothing at all about declaring a world war. Also what you need to consider is the fact that since raw physical resources continue to decline the need for such a commodity for modern civilisation to continue will start wars for the resource such as oil which ironically uses a lot of oil in products like petrol and the like or in some cases water in many 3rd world countries.
The outcome would be the same with or without religion, human beings a flawed by nature. Whether we fight for religious freedom of for freedom from oppression. Truth of the matter is animals fight as do we humans.
If the war isn't over religion then it could be over natural resources or politics. There is no easy road to peace.
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It wouldn't change anything... I'm not religious and I sometimes think pretty much 95% of religious people are quite unreasonable. But that also goes with politics and much more. I also think most of what the govt. tries to do now is unreasonable.
When you are blocked by a belief that what you are doing is correct because of what something way back in history said is ok then you're kind of being unreasonable since well, the whole entire world has changed since then... Smh... The whole world will never be at peace be over religion or over the fact that Bob had a larger ice cream scoop than Tim.
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