I'm not sure if this is the right area of the forum to ask for advice, but I figured it was miscellaneous enough, so here I go:
I've been dating this girl for over a little over a year. I love her and she tells me I am an amazing boyfriend and that she loves me. I rub her back everyday, always ask her how her day was (not out of obligation, I genuinely care). I listen to everything she says and care a great deal for her. I thought she cared for me too, but recently things started changing.
For the past few months, I'd say since early November, she started being distant. We used to hang out every day until at least 9 o clock, but now I'm lucky to see her 3 times a week, and when I do, she leaves by 6:30. For the past two weeks, she's been hanging out with this other guy. He's a friend of both of ours and he's really nice. he just recently broke up with his girlfriend because she was verbally and physically abusive. I'm not worried that she's cheating on me with him or anything, I trust them both, or I did. Today she told me she wants to go on a break for a few days. She says the week she's had is really hectic and she just needs to rest. Her week was hard because she spent everyday with this other guy and now most of her friends are thinking that she's sleeping around. Given her reactions to the situation, I think their claims are completely warranted. Tonight, right now, she's hanging out with one of her girlfriends and the other guy.
Now, ever since she started getting distant, I started questioning our relationship. She says she loves me, but refuses to really spend time with me, and refuses to touch me or let me touch her. She used to love the time we spent together, but now whenever I try to make advances, she says "why can't you just love me for me" despite the fact she used to beg me to do stuff. If she wanted to go back to taking things slow, i'd be fine with that, but she hasn't told me anything. She never really talks to me now, and when she does, she gets mad at me for feeling upset about how she treats me.
She says she'll be back in my arms on tuesday, Valentine's day, but that she doesn't want to see me until then. Should I be worried?
I'm not sure what she's feeling right now, and she refuses to talk to me about it. I don't thik she's cheating on me, but what do you guys think? I really need to talk about this to people, and maybe figure out what I did wrong if anything, and if I should just give up on the relationship. Please give me some advice.