Personal Reaction: Made fortune selling overpriced products to hipsters, so nothing of value was lost.
Your reaction?
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Personal Reaction: Made fortune selling overpriced products to hipsters, so nothing of value was lost.
Your reaction?
Ehhh, I dunno if I'll stick around. We'll see.
The List of Hate, My self-indulgent journal-thing.
Last Post: Video Vomit 05/11/11
Never owned an apple product in my life. But still, Rest in Peace, Steve.
Personal reaction to your personal reaction? lame cynical attitude devoid of empathy and any general decency.Personal Reaction: Made fortune selling overpriced products to hipsters, so nothing of value was lost.
Last edited by Miss Moonlight; 10-05-2011 at 08:18 PM.
R.I.P. Steve
Wolfie Dango ~*Red*~
Twin sister: Angella_Kagamine
He seemed to inspire a lot of people, so I hope his passing was peaceful at least. Bound to be a torrent of jokes/memes now (well...more so). Heh.
Rest in peace Mr. Jobs.
Yoo Jaesuk. Korea's loveable fool.
--------------------------------------------Awesomely in your face set by Tatty!
"“All he could have; I made him just and right, sufficient to have stood, though free to fall.” - John Milton
Well, R.I.P Steve.
It's always sad when someone dies. Prayers to family and friends.
The only way I have ever respected Jobs was strictly design. Design, very lovely. Hardware, no no no no. I have never bought a product of his before.
ooshy ooshy ooshy
R.I.P Steve, keeping his family and love ones in my prayers and thoughts.
You're like an angel from a picture book...
I find this really upsetting. He played a great part in the advancement of technology and media. And he will definitely be remembered for years to come.
Condolences are reserved for the company of people who actually care in a personal way about the deceased. If on the off chance that anyone who actually knew Steve Jobs happens upon this thread, I'll apologize insofar as it's sucks that a person you may or may not have liked died, and I empathize with that. But I don't pretend to care about random dead people's feelings in real life and I'm sure not going to start on the internet. They, in almost any case, are beyond any possibility of caring about my opinion of their business practices.
Ehhh, I dunno if I'll stick around. We'll see.
The List of Hate, My self-indulgent journal-thing.
Last Post: Video Vomit 05/11/11
Holy Hell. @_@
R.I.P Steve. T_T
Like I posted on Facebook:
[/SIZE]RIP Steve Jobs. I will remember you with my Apple products.
I'm not going to lie and say I loved Apple products, because I really don't care about Apple as a corporation, their "image" or anything else they produce. However, when anyone decent dies of a long terminal illness (at least in my opinion), it's typically depressing.
Ehhh, I dunno if I'll stick around. We'll see.
The List of Hate, My self-indulgent journal-thing.
Last Post: Video Vomit 05/11/11
I also hate Apple products but I will still say this: RIP Steve Jobs
At first I thought you was trolling, and then I saw this on the BBC News website.
Fail troll fails.
: The Game. You just lost it. :
My signature was so old it broke. RIP signature.
I see this as a new Apple marketing move ....
Was wrong with you I say you he dead.
Anyways I don't really feel anything considering I don't know him. :x
人類は調和したのか?VY2V3 = Me | Kagamine Len Act 1 = You
R.I.P Steve Jobs. >: I will always prefer Apple<33
Set by me.
☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆|Sigma★|
|Kaitou$|Daken :'D|Neuko's Pokemon Trainer|
|AF onii-chan: Jump_for_Luck||dark_butterfly's mommy|
|Elphaba's Penguin|Proud daughter of Aleyna and Anuket|
~ ♥ ~
I never bothered buying an Apple product, but R.I.P.
Man that is whack!
Token Black Guy
R.I.P. Jobs.
May your stylish technology go with you to wherever you've gone in death.
victoria aut mors
Dear jobs. Even though I was a very poor companion to your apple products. I've lost two of your products.. gave one away for nothing and I got one accidentally ran over I still love them. Your ipods are amazing and I still use my horribly cracked one. I plan to buy a macbook pro sometime.
You also blew up my FB wall yesterday. RIP dude.
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Never owned an Apple product, but still, RIP.
I'mma go put a finger print on his high-gloss tombstone.
Hey look, Japan made a movie about me!
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