
I was looking at the grammar section on a JLPT N4 study sight and found this construction: (お)+Adj+ございます. It came with the example "こちらのほうが(お)安うございます".

I looked it up, and I found this site --> http://members.fortunecity.com/kwhazit/ranma/g_adj.html

If you scroll down there's a section called 'High Formality', which basically explains how to conjugate the high formality adjectives. What I really want to know is - are these ever used? I've never heard of them before and I've been studying quite a few years now, so I'm quite weirded out by this sudden discovery.

It would be especially helpful if anyone who lives or has lived in Japan could say if they ever encounter the polite adjective forms in their day-to-day life.
