Inspired by my newest name change, what's the worst username you've ever run across in the bottomless pits of the internet?
And yeah, it's Skiller.
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Inspired by my newest name change, what's the worst username you've ever run across in the bottomless pits of the internet?
And yeah, it's Skiller.
lolwut at your name. Anyways I had tons of bad names, mostly common or 1447. Anyways, yeah.
人類は調和したのか?VY2V3 = Me | Kagamine Len Act 1 = You
Thats a tough one I don't normally care what people pick for a name. Though I would have to say for me it would be Thumper. I don't hate the character. Though I had a bad run in with someone in the past who used that name.
Gero Server Guru
the worst one I've come across so far:
still love you though =3
Oh god.. The worst username? A bunch of numbers and letters shoved together to form some kind of unreadable gibberish. <3
Well it might be from the internet, it's from Xbox Live. But it still has to do with the internet. I don't know the name(s) specifically but it's the ones that are like Smokin420 PotSmoker440 or XxPotxx420xxsmokinxX or some stupid crap like that.
I hate damn names like that. They're the worst. Not that I have anything against pot, it's just that no one gives a crap if you smoke it or not, so stop making it your usernames you tools.
Anybody that puts "Armani" in their screen name.
Edit: Also what Todd said, I've lost count of how many of those I've seen on Black Ops.
Last edited by Velvet_Nightmare; 06-09-2011 at 08:06 PM.
@Orochimaru is the worst. Nah, kidding, best guy ever. XD But one of the worst is..anything generic with over used characters. Like Miku_Hatsune or Lenkagamine or junk lD
Actually that's his worst username ever.
I miss Lord Shinigami...he was really cool with this Kaitou Kid guy, which is dead now as well.
jk <333
Hmmm anything with a z instead of an s sucks or anything with xXx's on them. e_e
人類は調和したのか?VY2V3 = Me | Kagamine Len Act 1 = You
@Xey Oiz , Anime...And all these stupid names this loser had.
I'm just going to use this moment to say... @Xey Oiz ....... I read your username as "hey oz" ... Thought I'd finally let you know.
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@Kaitou+ my old names were all sucky accept for Xeyuzio and Oizuyex, in my opinion. e_e
@blueangel06661 lol, I was planning to change my name as soon as I can again, hopefully nobody reads it like that anymore.
人類は調和したのか?VY2V3 = Me | Kagamine Len Act 1 = You
Hey, the OP's username isn't so bad, it's unique!
On IRC you get lots of dumb nicks. There's a guy we all used to poke fun at in #sos-dan called Zalthers, but now goes with the name of Hybras. Hybrid bras? Hydra's bras? Lapras -> Hybras?
In the 'net in general, anyone who has Sephiroth in their username tends to be an egotistical brat... that you know where you can find me
Definitely @Xey Oiz :3
Sig by Feferi <3
"Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first."
-Mark Twain
I tend to find names like |Supposedly dark adjective|wolf/ |Supposedly dark adjective|wulf/ |Supposedly dark adjective|wolfs/ |Supposedly dark adjective|wulfs To be highly overused. Then there are the generic XxX/ 666/ xXx/ or another random combination of letters/numbers that are freely flung into usernames.
Haha Over the years I have come across some awful names. XD
Kingbrolly666 Oh my...hahaha
and I think the worst was narutardspwnall
My user has got to be on here :P it was my old gamer name and suppose still is but meh i find it kinda fails now im more older...
but i hate the ones with the persons name as its so uncreative its annoying
oh and ones which r just random letters and numbers, there stupid
i hate when people arnt at least a little creative
Uhmmm. This one time this person had a name like, Hahalol. I was like, gj, way to be creative.
I don't like Anime's name either. It should be Gay Oiz.
And I don't like when people put stuff about there lovers an crap like " Hisnumberonegirl" or " Iamhisbaby"
I've seen quite a few obscene ones, mostly on PSN like "dikindabut" or just a whole mess of numbers. o_O
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