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Thread: James Boned: Permit 2 Seduce

  1. #1
    Senior Member Lola Granola has a reputation beyond repute Lola Granola has a reputation beyond repute Lola Granola has a reputation beyond repute Lola Granola has a reputation beyond repute Lola Granola has a reputation beyond repute Lola Granola has a reputation beyond repute Lola Granola has a reputation beyond repute Lola Granola has a reputation beyond repute Lola Granola has a reputation beyond repute Lola Granola has a reputation beyond repute Lola Granola has a reputation beyond repute Lola Granola's Avatar
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    02-15-2012 01:41 AM
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    Default James Boned: Permit 2 Seduce

    The virginal art of filming, editing, and bad acting. This is a James Bond mockumentary, not a porn:

    First time doing this sort of thing, edited with Adobe Premiere.
    Last edited by Lola Granola; 05-07-2011 at 10:16 PM.

  2. #2
    Member theycallmechibi has a reputation beyond repute theycallmechibi has a reputation beyond repute theycallmechibi has a reputation beyond repute theycallmechibi has a reputation beyond repute theycallmechibi has a reputation beyond repute theycallmechibi has a reputation beyond repute theycallmechibi has a reputation beyond repute theycallmechibi has a reputation beyond repute theycallmechibi has a reputation beyond repute theycallmechibi has a reputation beyond repute theycallmechibi has a reputation beyond repute theycallmechibi's Avatar
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    07-20-2011 11:40 AM
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    Default Re: James Boned: Permit 2 Seduce

    "I blow you all up, I blow you all up, you go boom." <--- I love that line! Maaan.. I wanted to do stuff like this with friends during our college days but we never found time to do decent videos. Everyone graduated.. started working.. until we can't even find time to meet for dinner or lunch. Nice one though. You should make a Hannibal Lecter one. I'm a fan of the Hannibal Lecter trilogy but I wouldn't mind a mockumentary.

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