Nope, only for disc 1.
Azu:33How are you?
Thanks. :3 Is it all right if I do all the songs?
Hey Azu, can this be considered an original album release and not just a compilation album?
it's like the translators were in berserk mode XD I just spend over an hour clearing the queue, whew! oh well, it's not like I had anything better to do at work, hehe could you contact Rizu-chan about that one song I left in the queue? apparently the romaji has missing parts (might be spoken lines not found in the original Japanese lyrics), so if she could provide the missing parts that would be great~
Did you look it up? XD
Azu-san: Ia adalah satu masa yang lama! Apa khabar?
lol, i just figured out where Brunei Darussalam is... to think that you were just down there all this time... @.@'
are you gonna suggest that to KA? can't just leave things be... 囧rz
Woah,me too!Sorry for the late reply^^ How are you:33?*hugs you*
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