Hey, how are you? I was just wondering your opinion on something. What do you think would be a good equivalent of "as time goes by"? "時の過ぎ行く共に", "時が過ぎると共に" or something else? Also, I have a heck of a lot of kanji lyrics I can submit for animelyrics, but I think it would drive you mad to make thread after thread because of the word limit. Do you want me to just list the name of the series and then put the links and lyrics in a wordpad for you to download or something?
Hi , how are you?
No worries, I just changed it yesterday! It's my favorite meme!
Yeah I saw. Though I didn't know I needed to post...
Just to let you know, your blog entries are all there, but they won't be easily accessible until you make a single blog post
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