I'm not sure if your rescue post was directed at Jillia(ellexevas character) or Tiffany the nearby NPC. Hmmm. it actually might fit/work better if it was Tiffany as she would be the one that really needed rescuing. Presumably Jillia would then come over having heard the gunshots , and being a tracker. That cool with you?
Why thank you. Amy is among my favorite companions.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━━━┻ DUDE ...*pant pant* ...dude I've always wanted to say... *pant pant* HI!
Is that Edward Cullen in your avatar?
Silly Genesis, you aren't going to get banned.
So by text roleplay do you mean play by post stuff on forums?
You mentioned you're a roleplayer. What games have you played?
So, how are you doing? we haven't talked yet :P
Thank you =D <3
http://www.animeforum.com/showthread...s-Graphic-Dump this is Maru. She is great. I have maybe 3 or 4 sets made by her to me and I love all of them. She is one of my top favorite signature makers of all times but I'm not sure she is taking requests. She did mine because we kinda know each other for.. hmm.. 6 years now?
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