How are you doing, Oddball?
Because I didn't want to suffer through Lockdown alone, the isolation of Quarantine was truly crushing. I was losing my sense of identity and reality, and without human interaction was losing self esteem too.
I don't know who shamed you or why you gave a damn about their opinion, but killing yourself over an anime is not the way to do it. Killing the guys who dubbed stuff for 4Kids though....
Dude you named yourself Oddball. You're nuts. But no real life and insanity doesn't have to be as depressing as Evangelion made it out to be.
No, it's Evangelion'sfault. Always.
Yup> Evangelion is messed up. Waaaay too Christian for one thing.
That's whY i only like the stuff that makes fun of it
Feel free. In fact just do it.
Could be hard. I'm not a fan of them. That was a terrible show. I do like parodies though.
About what?