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13 Visitor Messages

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    Hi :x
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    Hello there. Can't help but ask..where did you get your signature gif? It made me laugh a few times and I want to see more.
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    Nah, its not weird. lol. Thanks for taking the time out to say it. ^^
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    You welcome .
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    Thanks for accepting.
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    Hey. Welcome to AF!
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    It's no problem friend! I'm guilty of leaving the forum up and being off doing other stuff so its no biggie = ) I've tried several different kinds over the years. Zoloft, Paxil, Prozac, etc but I didn't much care for how they made me feel. I had a bad reaction to the Prozac. It made it where I couldn't sleep which naturally made me even more depressed lol

    Those are the types of people I generally get along with as well. I love easy going folks that aren't all jumping around hyper and stuff. I like to just simply chill ^^
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    I managed to eat a small pizza today but that's been about it. I'm a naturally skinny person (I only weigh about 107 normally) but I've dropped down to about 97 because of all this. I know I've got to stay strong for my son so I'm trying to do better. Yeah, it was a really bad situation that I'm glad to be getting out of. I deal with depression as it is so having that already on top of having someone treating me horribly really has damaged my self esteem. I'm ready to have some kind of feeling of self worth. That and I don't want my son growing up thinking that it's okay to treat people like that. I want him to grow up to be a real man that will treat his future significant other with honor and respect like it should be. You seem pretty cool as well by the way ^^ I'm an easy going person. A little shy but I get along with most folks
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    Ah, those are some good suggestions and definitely something I could sure use! Especially that drink xD lol You're right. I do need to relax. I'm on the verge of stroking out over this I'm not even joking. I actually fainted the other day just between the stress and not eating or sleeping taking its toll on me. I bet your sis is doing a lot better after getting away from her ex. I know I'll be doing wonderful when I get away from mine. Besides being lazy he tends to be emotionally and physically abusive towards me as well. That's not the environment I want my son or myself in. Talking to you is making me feel better ^^
  10. View Conversation
    I appreciate the wishes of luck! I've been so nervous about this all day and my anxiety has been through the roof. I do really well being calm when a situation calls for it so I should do good on that part. I have text messages to prove my ex jerking me around about getting to see and have our son so I hope that will help me out. That and the fact he has the nerve to try to get custody when he has never even helped me with our son. He wouldn't even keep a job to support us. It's funny, I don't really have doubts on winning as much as I'm just afraid of the unknown you know? This is definitely something I don't want to ever repeat again once it's over.
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