aye, for realzies. it's going i hardly ever come on here anymore, glad i did today. life's going pretty well in general, how about you? how's the kid?
raise him right man, heavy metal and beer.
congrats brosef. tis a male or female? and what's its name?
life took a steaming dump into my bowl of cereal, mang. fate, or God, or just pure bad luck is always finding ways of kicking me when i'm down. but hey, i've been the underdog my whole life. just gotta fight twice as hard to get what i want.
Hell yeah brother
Hey how's it going?
2 much buff!!
Added you broski. I need to stop being a creeper and looking at member pages. Lesson learned! Haha.
Doing great thanks. ^_^ Just living life, though want to get back into some gaming soon. Procrastinating.. >.>
Are you doing well lately?
Senior Member