high school or college? I'm an undergrad studying Genetics Which subject/subjects do you study? What animes are you watching?
Episode came out yesterday, BTW
How are you today? :3
Yeah and thank you, its nice to meet you ^_^
I also change out my music often.
Hello ^_^ I'm new on this website
checking the time, and I see 'tis time for me to make dinner. like a bawss.
ah, i see sakurasou no pet na kanojo as your avatar. how you doing?
I started a few animes recently that count?
I'm good thanks! I really should do some more studying, but I had an essay and two exams this week, so I'm thinking that I'm going to chill out for a while now! So, what year are you in? What do you study?
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Mayushii The Gullible
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