Loved your blog entry. Sending good vibes to you!
Ooou, whats the new job gonna be? And lol, a cult?? As for me, not really. Its been pretty quiet. OH! I did find out an ex of mine is now transgender. So that was pretty mind blowing
Quitting my job soon, getting new job, half way through masters degree, started a cult. SSDD. You? Any craziness on your end?
Well, I cant seem to get trillian to work. Um... how are things?
how does trillian work?
Hi! Happy Holidays, Omega!
So what is a better way of communicating with you now? Because this way through this place is slow.
You know AIM is being nerfed soon, right?
Well this place is basically dead, what instant messenger are you using?
Send an Instant Message to Ωmega Using...
Forever 12.
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