*pokes* you're pretty slow......
nslay! How are you buddy? Think fast.. *throws tennis ball at nslay*
Oh, I've been playing the hell out of D3:ROS. Made a crusader,. Really liking it so far
nslay //7
Michael O'Leary? Stingiest thing, ever!
little known fact, one day at the beach exposes you to more radiation than i receive working on a nuclear reactor for an entire year. get you stupid little bullshit the fuck off of my page and dont ever talk to me about this dumb shit again. Everything, and i mean every single thing on this good green earth, has radiation. so i guess you'd better stop drinking and eating. You'd do both yourself a favor (cuz you wont get any radiation from foods or drinks), and the world a favor (cuz you'll die).
Okay, I'll upload a top ten soon.
die rubber chicken. Die.
Thank you? //7
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