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14 Visitor Messages

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    Hi, I'm Akemi
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    Hi, what's going on?
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    Happy Birthday =)
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    Hahaha she didn't turn up but I had a good time regardless....I also drank too much :P
  5. View Conversation
    Oh wow I hope you have a good time ^_^
    My friend hasn't turned up yet I'm still waiting for her T^T
  6. View Conversation
    lol Yeah I don't know many of the categories either. So do you have any plans for the weekend? I have a friend coming for the week (or so ^^ so busy busy busy XD
  7. View Conversation
    Here's my profile. Just send a friend request and I'll accept it by tomorrow evening or so. And yeah, you can enroll in as many courses as you want. The Active Spanish, German, French, and Italian courses are a lot more in-depth than the basic 101-202 courses, but you have to pay or do peer reviews in order to access them. Just a heads up.
  8. View Conversation
    I have never heard of any of those lol. An anime tends to scare me if it has a Japanese name haha. I will diffidently check those out though =)
  9. View Conversation
    Call me Chad btw XD
  10. View Conversation
    XD Yeah I've done that before. Um I guess I experiment with anime but mostly watch shonen series like bleach and one piece etc. I'm currently watching Highschool of the dead pretty good so far.
    What about you what kinds of anime are you into?
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About Yukisakurakissu

Basic Information

Date of Birth
September 1
About Yukisakurakissu
My name is Tiffany and I am twenty two years old, almost twenty three. ^^ My ethnicity background is Swiss-German with a smidgen of Russian on my father's side and Cambodian on my mother's side. =P Half breed! *kanpai!* \(^.^)/[]*[]\(^.^)/

I stand at a short height of 157.5 cm (62 inches) with an unfortunate weight of 176 lbs at the moment. I'm currently in the progress to loose about 60 more pounds so that I can cosplay all that I want to. ^^ I have already lost almost twelve pounds so far! ^^

I actually have five favorite colors! They are forest green, royal purple, jet black, pure white, and delicate silver. LOL! The only necessary adjectives needed for the colors were the first two, but I thought I would give them all one. ^^

I have a variety of hobbies that I like to do to preoccupy my time. I like to research things that I'm interested in like my family's genealogy, but I also, obviously, enjoy anime and manga! ^^ I'm so addicted to anime~ haha. I like to read and write and cosplay, though I haven't done anything seriously so far, so I don't consider myself to actually have done any. I like to workout also, so I can get a great body for cosplaying and also be fit!

Hmmm, favorite and least favorite food? I suppose anything that's not really great for me is my least favorite foods, but I still eat them anyways. ^^"" It's a habit that I'm working on still, but my favorite food is probably... actually, I'm not really sure any more. O_o How bizarre, but if anything, I guess I'll have to settle for... a really, really, REALLY good caesar salad. They're my guilty pleasure. ^^ (I know, I'm an odd one! haha!)

In school, I would have to say that my favorite classes are language classes and my English classes, but my least favorite classes are uninteresting classes where the teacher just lectures, but never really teaches us anything. I get so annoyed with many professors if they're like that, because I feel like I'm wasting my time with them. Smh.

Within the music scene, I love K-pop, especially the YG Family Artists! I do listen to all kinds of music though~ Reggae, J-pop, Khmer (Cambodian), Hip hop, lots of pop and dance music, because I love listening to beats that I can dance to! (One major reason I love music from the era of the big bands!!)

I'm practically a neet, but I do attend college, but I've never had an official job before. It's extremely sad... Trust me I know...

Ah, to see what anime I'm into I'm going to give a link where I've already compiled a list of what I've watched (which is basically what I like), because it's so long.

Other random facts about myself~ I'm a blood type O with a Virgo Sun, Moon, Mars and ascendant, but my Venus is in Libra. =P I am Buddhist and I am currently in my longest relationship. #^.^#

I hope you (maybe?) enjoyed learning a little (a lot) about me and will help me navigate through this site while becoming my friend! It is very nice to meet you and thank you for coming by! ^^
Anime, cosplay, reading, writing, dreaming.


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Tsubasa Mokona
Gift purchased at 08-01-2012 12:24 AM
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