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    No problems, always happy to share advice about mistakes that I have made so that others don't do the same.
    Well obviously anime and manga is my largest hobby which also includes buying anime figures to which I have been doing for about 3/4 years now and have over 110 now lol.
    Gaming is another favourite hobby of mine which is a big thing throughout my life as well, I'm kinda also trying to get better with my PC knowledge in the sense that I like to know how to arrange the parts and how to sort out certain problems.
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    One things schools do very badly no matter where you are in the world and how far up or down the social scale you are is the fact that they push you into a single career direction at a very young age when you are not entirely sure what you want to do in the first place. Really what I'd suggest is try multiple types of jobs and roles within a profession if you can. That way you can find out what you most dislike about a certain job and also figure out what you are suited to best.
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    I wanted to go into teaching myself history to be specific but the government here focuses so much on pass grades that they seem to neglect the very idea that some people who are clever cannot teach due to lack of social skills whereas a mediocre skilled person but who is more charismatic can get the curriculum across better because they understand the students better. If that makes sense lol
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    Wish I could say the same but hey ho when you learn about things about a profession you were thinking of joining and you find the government has kinda ruined what you wanted to do you kinda start doubting what you really want to do.
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    Reminds me when I had to travel to uni, had to get up at like 6 at the very latest in order to catch the 6:20 bus to town then catch the 2nd bus to uni which would get me in for around 7:30 if I was lucky which would allow me to get food and ready for the first lecture.
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    Especially when its early morning and outside its very cold
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    Not too bad thanks, a little tired from work but hey that's work for ya
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    Greetings there how're you?
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    Please enlighten me. Why did I receive a friend request?
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    That's weird, I don't think I saw anyone using your account for any sort of fishy business. o.o Glad you got the password stuff fixed though!

    I've been doing good! Really busy with work and getting ready for the holidays, but all in all can't complain. Ohh, Diabolik Lovers, I've heard about that series a lot. Isn't it a game too?
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About BluGru Mitsuo (Tori)

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May 13, 1996 (28)
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Well hello im Tori ask me questions about me if you want ill answer them. Also you can reach me on discord: Flavored Goldfish#5814
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