You are making me laugh, that's all xD
Huh, I didn't knew that... And here I was this huge fangirl back in highschool... lol. Im embarresed for not knowing it. Hey, I like the posts you have made in the "say unexpected things"-thread!! xD
How come Jedi admires it so much? Jedi plays it himself?
I could never imagine that jedis liked hockey? O___o *takes notes because I have a feeling that this is important*
*forces myself not to write "anything bad" back in reply* xD Hey, let's change subject. Tell me about yourself!!
"smack"? ... O_____o
You certainly isn't making it easy for me not to! xD I could write so many things as a reply to what you wrote just now.... lol. I find this funny ;D
You are really writing something like that after I posted that picture? ... Uff........ my innocence ;_;
.... You're sure? .... <----------- HA!!!!!!!
Are you trying to deny the fact that you are a perv? I have seen what you have been writing around in this forum ;D