Whoa! I'm back after 3 years of disappearance and likely I'm not dead ;p But seems like you're the dead one now lol.
Hi yo! still here?
It's alright, I'm just as bad haha ^-^ That's nice, congrats I'm doing alright, nothing much just going through a lot of coursework with Art, ICT, and Graphic Design (There's only me and Olivia as the only females in Graphics) Also, my friend Matthew has convinced me to get a DeviantART account, so yeah... nothing much. :P
Oh crap lol so sorry. Got so busy that i have got no time to browse through. How r u now? Things are getting better and better for me. Althought there are still things that bothers me. I should get active online soon! Btw do u hav Facebook?
Srry for late reply. School has been completely crappy. :/ It takes all of my free time and I hardly have time to watch any anime! T_T So, how's life for you been going?
hello, im back, so how are you?
o hi man im back I think I'm gonna pick up Hotline Miami next sale brah.
Schmoop a doop because...... heck because why not?!?! I've been good. Spending crap tons of money lately cus of the "holiday spirit", damn you corporate America and your ease of access to quality goods!!!
Yes, but I have friends that like things that I don't and I still get along with them because I don't judge them. That's how I am :/
I'm jelly! Q__Q What game you got for your ps4?
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AF's Messiah. The Second Coming. Jesu Christo.