Yeah. I'm taking a break from marketing and just gonna work on my game for a while. Other than that, I'm doing okay. How about yourself? Are you looking forward to anything as of recent?
Hi there. Didn't realize you sent a message till now.
Giving some people positive vibes today, can't complain! I hope your day is going pretty much as nice for yourself as well.
Hey Som!
Random stalker stopping by, enjoy your day!
Thank you so much! It's been a very, very long time since I've been here, I'm so sorry for the delay. ^_^'
yeah hahaha, although i'd much rather be like you and turn a hobby into a living and not have to go to work again.
hahahaha I admire your confidence. you can do it!!! care to share some of your work? things are going fine, started working recently and trying to make time for my hobbies. wbu?
oh you're a writer? Curators of the Rose sounds like the kind of thing I'd read, but I don't think a hard copy is available where I live. I tried to dabble in writing but I guess I don't have it haha.
hello. love your avatar
Little Green Miko