LOL, I pop in maybe once a year. Just to see if the place is still up and running. Or see if someone may have messaged me from beyond the grave, LOL.
Thank you~ And that's sorta true. xD
Haha. That's great. x3 I'm in college again, learning to be a psychologist. And also doing a little side hustle translating a couple of manga for the online public.
Heya back~! 'Sup?
Definitely my computer. I'll try it on my mobile.
I tried clicking but it says "403 forbidden" D:
Too be honest, I haven't really watched it at all, but I will give er a chance!
Ahhh! Enjoying my day off. Debating on which video game to play rn. I bought Sword & Fairy 7 for PC recently and I don’t get my obsession with buying a game and playing it for a day then moving on too the next new game and forgetting about it ; ; (my mind lmaoooo)
Hey fraaaaand!
Hi! How are you?
Little Green Miko