You called?
I remember that game! xD I would always steal everyone's cars and put them all in one area xD
I love Uncharted.That was Naughty Dog's best work! :3
Did you know that you're a company?! x3
Did you know that the dinosaurs roamed the earth?
hey, dude. about the soap thing again.... is "Days of our lives" a soap????? i think it matches the definiton you gave me the last time.. you know, just making sure i got it completetly right thx.
Why then good sir, I shall supply thee with thine's fruit of choice. In such case, it would be the Pear! Sweet, yet, has a knack for freezing the teeth, which can at times me annoying. If not a pear, then I would quite possibly say the Pluot.
Eh, that's not very fun. At all. When I had bullies in school, I messed with the bullies xD So, without further ado, what is your favorite fruit?
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