I really miss you, couz :'(
Happy Birthday!!! Hope it was a good one :]
Hey happy birthday! Hope you have an awesome day today!
Lol nice siggy IFS ^^ ~!
congratulations on the new job... college is killing me... it's on the final run and papers are in bulk, seriously...
nothing just having vacations.. i'll start my classes at monday ... and i'll be new and i hope make a lot of friends..but i'm a little bit nervous...and you??
i'm good too..has a long time that we don't talk so ,i just wanted to know how are you...
so, what made you busy aside from being mod?...
hey how are u? ^^
you are welcome... i miss the emails but we were both busy... hope we can keep in touch now... +)
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What a feeling in my soul
louder now.
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