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  1. Everyone,

    I am still very much alive and still active on forums such as these. I have missed AF but am unsure if I will be returning as active as I once was. However, you may stay in contact with me via E-Mail. I miss you all very much. Please, keep in touch!



    E-Mail: [email protected]
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    Oh. Life, work, e norm. You?
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    Hey! it's nice hearing from you. How are u? I haven't been on AF so a really late reply xD.
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    Aw i see, well that can't be helped. I'll really miss u ^^. Those rare times u do sign on feel free to message me. I dont want u to feel that u have to reply to those really long messages just to say hi and chat a little with me. Well take care until then ^^ and i'll wait for that someday i get your message.
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    Happy Birthday!
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    Part 4: Hm that’s interesting, I didn’t know edited stories differ so much. Im assuming edited versions have more of the general public’s “likes” and “dislikes” in mind over the author’s.
    Haha I generally prefer reading books with that mixture ^^ only maybe less on science fiction and more on fantasy/supernatural. Why do u classify supernatural under science fiction though? I could probably propose an argument to support either side and maybe it boils down to what one defines as “science” but im curious about your reason ^^.

    I hope u finish those stories someday also. I think it’s important to finish things ^^ since that leads to accomplishments. But mostly I say that cause I have left far too many things unfinished in my life which has left much regret. So lately I’ve been obsessed with finishing anything I start haha. Oh what are these other “creative ventures” haha.

    And yep it would be an amazing feeling to have a published printed copy of a book u wrote yourself ^^.
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    Part 3: Oh please share some of that reading love to me haha :P. What makes reading so fun to u? I can understand a few books that u like, but it sounds like u love reading most books in general lol. So now u have to describe it to me haha :P.

    Haha from talking to u, I think u would like Steins;Gate a lot if u haven’t seen it already. My second recommendation is Sword Art Online. If u’ve already watched it and want more MMORPG types then Log Horizon is good ^^. Oh and as a teacher u should totally watch Great Teacher Onizuka haha :P. I could give u many more ^^ but it depends on your mood so just tell me what u feel like watching/generally like to watch.
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    Part 2: Haha before I get ahead of myself, I really need to take time to look at the beautiful places on this planet first lol :P. Still, that statement holds many different meanings. If u think about them, it makes u wonder what’s the point of working every day like we do. Shouldn’t there be more?

    Haha that’s hilarious! Well at least u enjoyed teaching. I don’t think i could do it. Im far too hungry for knowledge to give it away so easily haha ;P. And well what I “want” to do probably isn’t going to be humanly possible I don’t think, so being a professor would be a “back-up” as u say it ^^ but probably not at the top. Maybe being a doctor is at the top of the list, but Im not really sure. Currently, Im an electrical engineer.
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    Part 1: Haha that’s interesting! But u know, im certain that he is also immensely different in ideals and “truths” I’ve found. In fact, im a pretty difficult person to convince lol I may end up in many fights as you have with him haha :P jk. Normally I don’t go into heated debates ^^ I usually just understand the person’s train of thought and either find fault with it or find an interesting new means of approaching something (that I secretly pretend was mine haha :P).

    Haha well I don’t think it would be just cool or interesting. I guess u could say that humans are kind of in a small corner in a room that is almost infinitely large. We cant walk in that room, so we sit in that corner pretending everything we know about that corner is true. While, it’s really sad when u think that somewhere out there, there could be places that are far beautiful then anything u could image.
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    A PM was shot a while ago. In case it wasn't received.
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About FaeryTaleAngel

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February 24
About FaeryTaleAngel
My Lips Are Sealed.


I am still very much alive and still active on forums such as these. I have missed AF but am unsure if I will be returning as active as I once was. However, you may stay in contact with me via E-Mail. I miss you all very much. Please, keep in touch!



E-Mail: [email protected]

In The Middle Of Nowhere In Particular.
Shhhh... *Grins a bit* Guess.
Never mind... Achievement unlocked! I moved, am going to school, and even have a craptastic job!!
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