Mikuuuu *pokes*
It's such a ridiculous over-the-top anime, oh my God. So good for some laughs. XD What have you been up to that's so crazy? o.o
Lmao, I'm the exact same way. It takes me ages to settle on a specific setting, as well as character traits and practically everything else. X: My writing takes foreverrr. x.x;; Do you have any general plot ideas for your story though? o3o Well I haven't gone to school for a couple semesters since I've been focusing more on working and saving up for stuff. I'm planning on taking some more classes this Spring though. But yeah my school stuff is super slow going, it's kinda frustrating gah. @_@ I'm really eager to get serious about it again though, since I was offered a possible internship if I continued my Criminal Justice degree. So that's some sort of motivation for my lazy self I guess~ BY THE WAY I started watching Himouto Umaru-chan. xDD
My laptop can barely even run Minecraft though... But yeah I have a ton of indie games I can play fine, so it's not too horrible I guess. (´・ω・`) Still can't wait until I have enough saved up for a snazzy new one. Oh, no wonder I couldn't find it anywhere. I thought I was just being stupid rofl. The Ouran fic was so cute though. D: What kinda book are you writing? o3o
Derpp, I miss a lot of messages on here sometimes too. xD; I see~. I wish I could game but I doubt my laptop would even handle those kind of games. ;w; I'll hopefully be getting a new one this fall/winter, so yay. Also, totally random, but what happened to your other Facebook page that had Freeze Asylum and the Ouran fic you were writing? I was looking for it a while ago but couldn't find it. o.o
So like, what's Smite? I'm guessing it's a new game? Yeah I come onto AF a lot more than I do FB. xD
Oh small world lol. I am actually in San Angelo right now I come here every wednesday for work.
Thank you for changing your profile. The colors were blinding me. Wherabout in Texas are you? I live in Midland
You can call me Sean and nice to meet you Evi
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