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A Turn of Events

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  1. Chi The Sweet
    Chi The Sweet
    Aura tries and runs to the dust toslip into it. She grabs it but its slips through her hands and she starts to sob and shutter. ttears run down her face in streams and dampen the ground around her. Raynas spirit appears above her and smiles and looks at everyone looking up in awe."Sister don't worry i'll be watching them on their travels and tell you all the things they experience darling *kisses forehead* I love you and i will see you again soon!*hug*" Raynas spirit slips through the veil to the other world she vanishes.Anba looks up and cries noticing what she had missed but then shakes it off and her face hardens looking towards Luna. "OKay pups its time to go ..Luna can you go and carry that one Rage over there. Everybody i suggest we head back to the castle and rest for the night we have gone through too much and i dont think many of us can carry on right now!"*leads the pups back*
  2. Chi The Sweet
    Chi The Sweet
    Luna walks over to Aura and extends her hand out to her and helps her up. &quot;Aura, i know they'll be back i can feel it and i was just getting to know Lloyd too. They'll probally be gone for about 3months.&quot; *hugs*&quot;how do you know you've only been with us for only 1 WEEK!!! i dont know how well im going be i feel so empty i just need rest i just dont wanna talk to ANYONE!!!&quot;*Runs towards the castle*</p>
  3. Chi The Sweet
    Chi The Sweet
    ~new chapter?~
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