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What's your favorite song and why.

    I love Namikaze's "Satellite". Y because it's sorta reminds of good times.
  2. Sizary Momo
    Sizary Momo
    My favorite song is ''The Kill'' by 30 seconds to mars.
    I just like how the song sounds.My second fave song is
    ''Des Moines'' by The Devil Wears Prada.
    I also like ''What I've Done'' by Linkin Park.

  3. Tsumiru
    If it is about rock only then these are my favs. :

    (not in order)

    30 Seconds to Mars--> Hurricane
    Linkin Park--> Somewhere I belong
    Skillet--> Awake and alive
    P.O.D --> Going blind
    Scandal--> Shunkan Sentimental
    Galneryus--> Alsatia
    Linkin Park--> From the inside
  4. Tsumiru
    (cont. sory D: )
    Nickelback--> Someday
    Anna Johnson--> We are
    Breaking Benjamin--> I will not bow
    Shinedown--> Burning Bright
    AC\DC--> Shoot the trill
    Avengend Sevenfold--> Afterlife
  5. Tsumiru
    (sorry again :b )
    Crossfade--> Cold
    Dead by April--> Losing you
    Paramore--> Emergency
    Foo Fighters--> The pretender
    Jem--> 24
    Linkin Park--> When they come for me
  6. azunyan
    My favorites are
    Shunkan Sentimental - SCANDAL
    Again - Yui
    Howling - Abingdon Boys High School
    No Thank You! - HTT
    Don't say 'Lazy' - HTT
    Period - SID
    Golden Time - SID
Results 1 to 6 of 6