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  1. Kleio
    Is a massive butthole and Lil B is legit.
  2. Jozette
    OMG I love xey. <33333 we're gunna get married and have Little joiz'
  3. Naughty Dog
    Naughty Dog
    I hope they inherit more of your genes kid. You might be annoying, but at least you aren't an asshole.
  4. Nephthys
    I agree with Naughty, ...Xey needs to learn some humility.
  5. DeathBlade/13.666
    Is it sad that watching Xey and Jozz go back and forth makes me want to eat my young? Save them from the horrible future and such.
  6. Jozette
    Aw dog thats so nice. <3 DEATH YOU BETTER WATCH IT!!! //7
Results 1 to 6 of 6