We have over 30 new people signing up each day. If you're one of them, introduce yourself here. ^_^
Sticky Threads
post a little about you so the other members can get to know you. a little about me is im a computer geek and i like anime. if you did not know that yet. lol a little more is that im a 17 male. if you did not know that by name. i have been asked about that befor so. well that is all for now like i...
Okay, here we go again. I thought the other was too long. ...to refresh your memories, here are the rules. Follow them. Thank you. Ground Rules: 1. This is not a chat if you want to chat take it there 2. This is not a singles board if you are looking to meet that someone special...you...
Dear AF'ers! To prevent future mistakes, here's an example of how to properly welcome someone, making the new member feel happy and welcome, and not making the mod angry. :laugh: A three-step guide to newcomer-friendly posting. Step one: Make sure you make a post of proper length! The...
As Eudial/Eris/etc. is prone to frequent name changes, I feel (s)he deserves to have her/his very own thread. Below is a list of some of her names: (this is by no means a complete list) *Unless you are Eris/Howlin' A.R. Jeremy III do not post here. Thank you and have a nice day.
Well after 42 pages, 1,044 posts, and 156,561 views, I think the old thread has had enough. Still gonna leave it up and viewable for anyone that wants to take a trip down memory lane and get to know some of our older/veteran/now gone Staff. Anyways to kick this off, this is how it goes. ...
As you are all new it is best to get aquainted with the rules...they're quite simple: 1. No cursing! This is absolute! If in doubt, leave it out! 2. No double posting (there is an edit button people...USE IT!!) 3. Be respectful of your fellow posters (^_^) 4. all the rules posted for chat...
(Sorry Myrra, but this thread is terribly outdated! I'm helping you out by updating it. ^_^) These are the methods FlashD recommends for adding a signature to your profile! :laugh: *** First Method *** Go in the UserCP and click on "Edit Signature". At the bottom of the page you will find an...
Normal Threads
Hello! My name is Eddas! I recently joined AF to escape the dreary modern social media and to connect with my nostalgia for web forums:tongue: I enjoy mostly "older" anime like Cowboy Bebop and Sailor Moon (duh). I also read some Manga, like Sailor Moon, Pokemon Adventures, and everything...
Hello Everybody, I've always been addicted to anime, but only recently I found more time to dedicate to it. I'm not a great poster, I usually write only if the subject is intriguing. Favorite anime: Evangelion and many (not all) GAINAX productions like FLCL and Abenobashi, Monster, Death Note,...
Hello all! Long time lurker, so I finally decided to make an account here. I have been enjoying anime, since the OG Toonami, Fox's Kids (Saturday anime "cartoon" program in the US), Anime Unleashed (4G, formerly called TechTV), renting anime VHS at the anime store and on Adult Swim, back when...
I am a first gen 18yo Asian-American but the youngest of my family. My hobbies are calisthenics, studying/learning, reading manga/manhwa/manhua, and video games. I have time for each because I stay cooped up in my room and hardly leave. I love listening to music. I will listen to music as I...
hello, im sera and i like animes like azudaioh and watamote. im neurodivergent and i dont really have many friends in real life, so im hoping i can find some on here. if anyone wants to be friends i can give my social medias >_>
hi :python:
What a lovely place here ;)
Hello everyone :D I've just registered a user here to ask a question in the Japanese study forum; though it seems like all moderators there are long retired, so probably my thread there will never get approved ;_; Anyway, I figured I might do an introduction. I've been visiting...
Greetings, everyone, I hope all is doing well. I'm a new member, just found out about this site like right now. I've been a huge fan of anime since I was three years old but then I started to have my anime phase in 2009 when I first started middle school and it's been going strong until now. As for...
Hello. I've been watching anime for about six years, and found this site a couple of years ago. I don't quite know how to describe my tastes. I don't concentrate on any particular genre. I've enjoyed fantasy, mecha, rom coms and more.
Bonjour Hi, my name is Kirika from France, I'm a teacher from private school, working adult. I like anime, my first journey of anime when I was five, I grew up on early 2000s anime I don't watch watch that much of new anime but I want to try it And I'm retro anime fan big fan of 80s and 90s...
Hi I like only a few animes, there is also few which I don't like. I'm a gamer - I prefer strategy games (Total War, Star Craft) but I also like quite forgotten MOBAs (HoN) and survival games like PUBG or Escape from Tarkov. I like reading, although recently I read online more often. I love...
My favorite Animes right now: Da Capo, Bleach, Mai Otome, Fate/Stay Night, Ergo Proxy :tongue:
I have been busy working out and eating healthy so I have not been on much sorry! ---------- Post added at 12:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:27 AM ---------- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woPPuDA_BEc
I am new to this so bare with me.lol I am a massive Anime fan,my fav is Ergo Proxy I love Anime that make you use your brain but saying that i am currently watching the Fist of The North Star TV series i am hakf way thru and i think it is fantastic love it..
Hey everyone. I haven't watched all that much anime so I decided to join a forum to discuss and hopefully discover new animes that I'm sure you guys could recommend. I'm interested in most any genre of anime. I'm not too knowledgeable of the anime culture, but I'd like to be. Cheers!
Just wanted to stop and say hi
Hi hi, just wanted to say hello! I've just started dabbling in some anime and plan on watching more
Never joined a forum before, figured I'd try it out. I started watching anime a few years ago.
Hi! this is Lenta Chorum (or Lenta, Len, whatever floats ya boat). Stumbled upon here by a recommendation from an old friend. I've been steady anime fan for a good 15 years, personal favs are: Hyouka Toradora Black Butler Cowboy Bebop OHSHC Serial Experiments Lain Haibane Renmei
I am looking for a community that I can call home in some way and people are close to each other and it isn't just a place for people to come and go.
Hi im Brandy new guy here
Hello everyone I'm ScrapBlox and my name is Alec and I have recently come across AF. I enjoy development usually website development :). My favorite anime: Sword Art Online My favorite game: Scrap Mechanic I started watching it in November 2023 and fell in love with it ever since lol. So I'm...
Welcome everyone who comes to this site. Now start posting and responding to threads! I know it's a bit harder these days since you are probably using your phone instead of a keyboard, but take your time and actually write stuff! Full sentences! Express opinions! Find links and pics and post...
Hello ^^I just joined a while ago. I've actually been lurking for a while already without an account though.
I've been lurking for a few months now, was on here at some point back in 2011 too good to be back :3 I'm kagamiiin, stolen name from my favourite of the luckies kagamii >.< I hope I have fun here ^_^
Hey! As you might assume, i love anime, manga, etc. I don't think i have to go into much detail considering thats what were here for So far i love Kanon and Haruhi. Outside of the most recent ones i'm also a big fan of Sailor Moon and Tenchi I'll be here off and on, lurking around and tossing in...
I'm Rinok and have been looking for a place to discuss anime and anime related stuff with people. Haven't found a good forum so far but at least i will give this a try. Hope i can have some good converations and maybe contribute to the site
Hi, Im new here, I love drawing! and I often feel like drawing personal stuff, so I started drawing spanking stuff just because of an urge to try drawing it. Nice to meet everyone! Hopefully everyone has a good evening, or day depending on where you are in the world : )
Hai my name is Mozart:p Nice to meet yewall! I love anime games, and visual novels! FAV ANIMANGA: - Trigun (only da 1998 version tho) - Hellsing - Alcohol and Oni Girls - Yuri Espoir - Princess Jellyfish
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