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Forum: Literature

Discuss your enjoyment of variable length textual content here, and provide your own contributions upon the scrap-heap of literary aspirations, and make your very own dent in the sanity of otaku. All in the appropriate sub-forum of course.

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  1. Fan Fiction / Prose

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    1. Fabala
    2. Kleio

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  2. Poetry

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    1. Fabala
    2. Kleio

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    • Threads: 3,403
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  1.   Sticky Threads  

  2. Sticky Thread Sticky: Writing Prompt: May

    Happy Mother's Day to all! This month there happens to be a Friday the 13 so I'd like spooky scary tales and poems! It can be a real thing or a creation of your own, but lets get these stories rolling out and goosebumps popping up. This month's prompt is A spine chilling happening RULES:...

    Started by Kleio‎, 05-08-2016 02:51 PM
    fiction, horror, poetry, prose, scary, spooky, writing prompt
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 12,594
    05-08-2016, 02:51 PM Go to last post
  3. Post Sticky Thread Sticky: Writing Prompt: April

    Being the wreck that I am, I am like a week late posting a prompt. Sorry yall. Better late than never I suppose. This months prompt is You've just woken from a three year coma. You remember nothing about about your life before the coma. What do you do with your new life? RULES: Please follow...

    Started by Kleio‎, 04-11-2016 10:04 PM
    literature, poetry, prose, writing prompts
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 15,318
    04-11-2016, 10:04 PM Go to last post
  4. Post Sticky Thread Sticky: Writing Prompt: January

    BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! Ok, like two people asked for prompts again, but that's not the point. The point is that prompts are fun and help get those creative juices flowing! So, we will be doing writing prompts again, but this time monthly instead of weekly. And, I'll keep up with them. ...

    Started by Kleio‎, 01-16-2016 04:47 AM
    fiction, poetry, prompts, writing
    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 20,605
    03-16-2016, 08:07 PM Go to last post
  5. Thumbs up Sticky Thread Sticky: Writing Prompt: March

    YALL I AM SO SORRY THAT I MISSED FEBRUARY! It was a very wild month full of so much stress that I completely forgot. If yall want I will still post a thread for February, but I might just leave it out. If anyone has any ideas for prompts, please feel free to pm them to me and I'll use them. ...

    Started by Kleio‎, 03-03-2016 02:33 PM
    challenge, fan fiction, poetry, writing prompt writers
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 10,601
    03-10-2016, 06:39 PM Go to last post
  6. Sticky Thread Sticky: Writing Prompt Week 1

    I often find myself lacking when it comes to things to write, and sometimes I find I have too many ideas. This is where prompts come in to play. Prompts are used by writers to induce creativity, and so that is what I am starting. Each week I will post a new prompt and you guys will write from it....

    Started by Kleio‎, 05-20-2013 04:35 PM
    • Replies: 13
    • Views: 27,310
    01-12-2016, 04:22 PM Go to last post
  7.   Normal Threads  

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