Desktop personalization is always in demand. Post up your wallpapers and get tips & feedback on them from those who may use them.
Sticky Threads
To keep up with the times AnimeForum is now accepting mobile versions of wallpapers! Unfortunately at the time does not accept mobile wallpapers but you may post them here instead for our users to look at/use. You may use the thread prefixes to label your wallpaper thread as ...
Anime Wallpapers FAQ/Guide to Wallpapers Version 1.95 This is a thread designed to help quickly and effectively help you get your wallpapers uploaded to Any miscellaneous other questions can be asked in this thread. THIS IS NOT A CRITIQUE THREAD FOR YOUR WALLPAPERS....
Normal Threads
Hope you like it :D Critiques?
This is a wallpaper tested on iPhone 5/5c devices though I don't have a screen grab from the 5c device for this one. These wallpapers should be universal and able to work with nearly any smart phone device. To view other mobile wallpapers by me please click here Original: Preview on a...
Soooo.. I decided to dabble in wallpaper creation. I've found I'm more comfortable with making them than signatures. Don't get me wrong, I'm going to keep working on my signature skills. But as some of you may have noticed, I like messing with bigger pictures and whatnot lol i.e. my first...
Hi everyone My photo color for last naruto movie i hope you like :) Link :
I have some very beautiful hd wallpapers about anime and I would like to share them for everyone. The followings is the pictures I have
This is a wallpaper tested on iPhone 5/5c devices though I don't have a screen grab from the 5c device for this one. These wallpapers should be universal and able to work with nearly any smart phone device. To view other mobile wallpapers by me please click here Series: League of Legends ...
This is a wallpaper tested on iPhone 5/5c devices though I don't have a screen grab from the 5c device for this one. These wallpapers should be universal and able to work with nearly any smart phone device. To view other mobile wallpapers by me please click here Series: Sailor Moon Original:...
This is a new thing we're allowing: mobile wallpapers to keep up with the times. This is a wallpaper tested on iPhone 5/5c devices. These wallpapers should be universal and able to work with nearly any smart phone device. To view other mobile wallpapers by me please click here Anime: Black...
Series: Love Live! School Idol Project! Character: Maki Nishikino I haven't done anything in a long time.
There is a Wallpaper that I made please check it out on
FREE Anime's Wallpapers Hi, I'm D0ssAnj0ss and I started make some wallpaper for hobby some days ago, and now I can do wallpaper good enough to share. I will be brief, I'm a hobbiest editor, I love animes and photoshop! My Images are Here: REMOVED] I hope you like!! : D A little...
Super large wallpaper for you to enjoy. Triangular Sun Wallpaper 1600x1200
.: Wallpaper of the Month :. Theme: Series Preset- Pokemon GOTTA CATCH EM ALL! Theme is simple. I'm going with a series preset because honestly, the series on is horribly lacking. You can check it out yourself. for such a great...
I'm bored and I wanted to see if i was still any good at making them. What do you guys think?
Wallpaper I'm currently working on involving the 7 servants from Fate/Zero. Current WIP, any thing you might see that needs work please point it out.
Over 100 layers and a few days later and I'm finally done. A heart and its four chambers. Inspired by Anamanaguchi.
or ghost in the shell ARISE:laugh: something cool:cool: serated will give you an itunes gift card
Okay, i know theres gotta be some of you that remember this game. Doing a Phone WP of Dart for my friend inspired me to do a wallpaper for my Laptop. Turned out pretty tool i think. Here ya go!
Personally I like smudge wallpapers even though I'm not particularly any good at smudging. I tried my hands at my second smudge based paper with 'The Skeletons Waltz' Inspired by Dave Thomas's song. (if you think you may be a fan of a sexy shirtless guy playing the accordion, look him and this song...
Know of anyone or a site that is stealing wallpapers and claiming them as their own? Post them here!
Yes, please, dont. Kobato vector, in combination with other stuff. Original source taken from one of the later chapters of the manga and colored. The scheme provided by another illustration, as were the flowers. Added simple noise to break up the flatness, very lightly digi painted the cloudy...
c: teehee enjoy Hello, I post inappropriate wallpapers that are not mine.
Illustrator vector with PS textures, so far, some like 10 hours. But that's okay, listened to advice yesterday, filtered colors, made her a little darker... still not completely sure if its done.. but whatever. Comments, crits, positive reinforcement; welcomed.
Warning: Censored Ecchi Made two versions of this wallpaper. It has been awhile since I made one.
So, I really liked how the signature I made a while back came out, so I decided to make a wallpaper. Its not an exact copy, but its the same concept. CNC?
Experimenting with ways to do a reflection. Got tired of working on it though. So heres what i came up with 1900x1200
Series: The Legend of Zelda Stocks: All the shapes were pentooled in illustrator, but if you ned refs, I'll throw them up. --- Not sure what to say, besides Lens Flares. If anyone has any crits, throw them at me ~ 2 hours-ish. PS/AI
Yes, I've now becomed hooked on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic I'm almost through the second season so far~ So, inspiration suddenly struck me, and I wanted to do a MLP Wallpaper. I know my last one was pretty sucky due to laziness and bad base pictures. I've gotten better at erasing...
The art of fractals are pixels that are in motion. They then form an object or animal or can be an undefigned thing. Like these:
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