So there are actually countries other then Japan that produce decent animation. If you happen to want to discuss any of them, you can do so here.
Sticky Threads
Basically the idea is to have prefixes to some of the threads to organize them a bit more/better. If you'd like an example the Video Game section is already doing it by console (, , , , and so on). I'm thinking along the lines of , , , ,...
Somehow I've made it all these years without making a rules thread... Don't know how, but okay. Alrighty, The Rules. The obvious ones that should be able to go unspoken are: -Keep all topics about or related to cartoons, animation, and/or comics that are made outside of Japan. Japanese...
For those wondering how to do the prefixes for their threads. If it's a new thread being created: When you go to create the thread notice that there's a "Prefix" option at the top with a selection box. Choose the prefix that best fits your topic. If you're trying to add it to one that...
Normal Threads
Gods i love the Harley series...
This is a 3D CGI animation about a superheroine who's hero name is Ladybug (I know, it doesn't have quite the same cool sound to it as Spider Man). Her normal name is Marinette. She is a highschool age girl who like most superheroes, has the problem of mixing normal life with hero life. Her...
Okay so let's look at some of the big recent hit animated movies. Kung Fu Panda 1-3, Sing, Angry Birds, Zootopia... and so many more. Scarlet Johanson played a porcupine last year. Star Wars has a ton.. frankly most Sci-fi and fantasy does. So what furries do you like? Which ones do you hate?...
So anyone else enjoying this new Sunday night FOx toon, Krapopolis?
Snafu is an acronym for "situation normal; all f-cked up." It at one time was commonly used in the US military. The character of Private Snafu was created for the US Department of War during World War II. These cartoons were intended to remind soldiers of how carelessness can be costly. Many...
I hope you don't mind create a Thread So umm what's your favorite cartoon from Cartoon Network, Nick, Disney or some European Cartoon My top three are 1. Madeline 2. Asterix 3. Tintin
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