All the Computer stuff, IT, Coding, Web-development and anything of that sort can go here now.
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Post programming related links here. Books available online, and so forth. Python "How to Think Like a Computer Scientist - Learning with Python" - "Dive into Python 3" -
Forum rules: 1. CHAT RULES: Chat rules are very well made. They keep the chat clean from useless posting and inappropriate language, and from now on they will keep clean this forum as well. The chat rules are applied for images, too. They can be found here. 2. BANDWIDTH: Please be considerate...
Normal Threads
well they're bumping up the AI genie. Once it's out of the bottle will you treat them as people? Okay we all know they already exist, but the government wants to set things up so they can claim they just made them before we officially fine out.
Q: What form(s) of technology do you use everyday? I use my phone, the internet, and I have a laptop.
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