This forum is for any and all questions or ideas regarding any Table Top Role Play format.
So, which do you play or have played in the past? Our gaming group is currently doing a Warhammer campaign, although in the past we have done Call of Cthulhu and Star Wars.
Thinking about running a weekly 3.5 D&D session. Specifically Pathfinder. This would be in real time for about four to five hours at a time. Days could possibly be increased depending on input but scheduling conflicts could arise. You'd have to actually commit to this. I will kick those that...
The last thread for weiss was like 3 years ago so I'm wondering if more people are playing it now. It's an anime-based card game including popular titles such as Nisekoi, Attack on Titan, Love Live, Sword Art Online, Fairy Tail, Angel Beats, Bakemonogatari, Kill La Kill, Fate series, etc. ...
For those MTG players, what decks/colors/themes do you use? For those players that make their own decks, how do you decide what goes into it? I have a standing count of roughly 35 decks, about 10 of which are tried, tested, and true, and four are my best. I have a token deck that...
Other thread was closed a few years ago, so I thought it was time for a new one. Whenever I roleplay, I'm chaotic neutral. I would be lawful evil, but my dm won't allow any of us to be evil. (Link here if you don't know what alignments are)
Hi guys, I wanted to come here to gush a little bit about a weekly 4e D&D campaign that I run that's coming to an end in a couple months. I've been playing tabletop roleplaying games for ten years now, and it's the very first game I've had run so smoothly from start to finish. I hope I'm not...
I've been invited to join an Exalted game in a few weeks, and I know...pretty much nothing about the system. Any words of advice?
What sort of role-playing systems (if any) do people like to use in their tabletop gaming groups? I personally mostly play nWoD (hoping to give Classic a spin with this group at some point, since I think it's a lot better in some ways, if weaker in others), but also some D&D 3.5 and I'm running a...
Wondering if anyone plays it, now that 2 more trial decks got officially translated in English. For those that don't know of it yet Weiß Schwarz For more info you can find some fan-made translations of most cards - (translations + card sleeve inserts)...
Hi Anime Forum, I'm Revvix from Bad Karma Games. This will be my first post, just wanted to introduce myself. I'm here today to let you fine folks know about our newly released table top game One Piece D20. It's a project we've been working off and on over the past 6 months and we're really looking...
Who plays?
so does anyone have any such maps that can be used for clone wars and later campaigns(ones that are general enough for any campaign from 22 BBY- 150 ABY)? thanks for any help you can give
So the new edition will be on us soon(July 10th actually) and it changes things pretty drastically. Here are some of the more reliable rumors. Army construction is moving back to percentages. 25% max lords (includes mounts) 25% max heroes 25% MIN core 50% max special 25% max rare You can...
Would it be a good idea to make a Vampire Coven? Can I make one? If not, ok. ---------- Post added at 12:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:45 AM ---------- ???
Hm, surprised I haven't seen a thread on this yet o_o. So who here plays the table top RPG of CoC?
In response to the release of 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons, Paizo Publishing released a series of books using a slightly modified 3.5 system they call Pathfinder. They retooled the core classes and races, changed how some game mechanics work(for instance, magic item creation now no longer...
TRUE BELIEVERS! The time has come to finally be able to get this project underway, and now that I have my co-dm with me once more, we are hoping for the continued success of our very own D&D game here in the forums and chats! So! We are looking for players, old or young, new or...
i used to play the games workshop fantesy games and continued to -still play the americajn football one, i wondered wether there was anyone else who used to or still plays them?
NEED HELP!!! A few things... I need help in the rules, and game play as to balance it out. How do you like it? Comments, questions? Name: ( I have nto amde one, feel free to take a shot. ) Sides: The Witch, and the players. ( I will change the names when i think of something better. )...
Lately..! I have discovered a series of games on FaceBook that allow you to play other games and things like this: Mafia Wars Vampire Wars Empire Battle Dante's Inferno And recently I found a Dungeon and Dragons Mod that uses 4th gen rules to roleplay in short missions and quests. I...
Duels of the Planeswalkers Expands... Duels of the Planeswalkers Expands in 2010 Are you ready to take your Magic: The Gathering – Duels of the Planeswalkers experience to a higher level? You'll be able to do just that in 2010 as Wizards of the Coast will launch two more...
January 11, 2010 (Renton, Wash.) – Today, Wizards of the Coast LLC announced a new six-book deal with New York Times best-selling author R.A. Salvatore. Published by Wizards of the Coast, the first book is scheduled to release in 2011 with a new book anticipated to follow once per year after that. ...
All those interested in beta testing of D&D 3.5, let me know and we can finalize things. Due to circumstances out of our control( IE My Boss), I -just- got off of work and we will need to reschedule due to people moving around and things anyway. For all you slackers that are either still...
a while back - when i still lived in the states and had time - i use to play my fair share of pen and paper rpgs which i miss dearly (yes some do exsist here in japan, but its not too popular and super rare to find). one i played was world of darkness. you know everything made by white wolf?...
True Believers! As of SEPTEMBER 30th! There will be a table top gaming session held to test a number of theories concerning the ability of having table top rpgers working online. I have a number of mods and admins on board for this. IMPORTANT. Anyone interested, by all means! ...
Alright, now I'm sure that we've got people here on AF with their fingers in the pie of collectible games. Call it Magic, Yu-Gi-Oh, Monsterpocalypse, Pirates of the Cursed Sea, or even(possibly) Warhammer or Warmachine. And your options for these come in two flavors(possibly excepting the last...
Hi Everyone, As some of you may or may not be aware I'm working on a home brewed campaign setting recently converted to the Savage Worlds system from D20 Modern/D&D 3.5e. I've completed most of the mechanical items and am working on the campaign map. This map is a major continental map meant...
What sort of magic caster is required to open portals in D&D. How far apart can the portals be? Can you make a permanent portal?
Has anyone ever faced off with a dragon in a D&D campaign? How well did it go. Usually all my campaigns have been fairly low level.
(Wiki link explaining alignments. I'm sure you can find some quiz online if makes you shout and cry TL;DR.) What is your alignment? I'm somewhere between Chaotic Good and Chaotic Neutral. I don't think law and tradition have any inherent self-value, but favor personal liberties, and don't...
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