Going to a con? Working on a costume? Showing off a new toy you got? This is the place! NO SELLING ALLOWED!!!
Sticky Threads
The lovely blueangel06661 suggested it would be a good idea to have a thread about cosplay tips and resources and such so here goes! Please feel free to add your own or ask questions. I'm certainly not an expert on cosplay, but after a few years, here's some things I've learnt. Let's start with...
Rules: 1. Ignorance of the rules is no excuse for breaking them. 2a. If you are going to start a con thread, please have a link to the cons main page as the first thing in your post. b. If you are going to make a post about a specific convention, and there is a thread about that...
Normal Threads
Hello! I've been having a hard time figuring out what anime these shirts are representing and could use some help... I've gotten them from a storage unit. I tried imagine searching, but can only get the clothing brand, but not what is on the shirts themselves. I know quite a few anime and the...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-h4YAW4z8SM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvZ6Xe6o81o Just the other day, I went to Akihabara to film (when allowed and if it wasn't too crowded in some places) some of my favorite places to shop there and what it's also like there. In addition, I...
Apparently this was the last year for Anime Banzai because somebody embezzled the money...
Can I get your attention please?? are you interested in Conventions? YES? then Why.. if No? then you should try! ---------- Post added at 09:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:20 PM ---------- I highly recommend giving it a try. I discovered some great ones through AnimeCon.org, and...
With Anime Midwest 2024 just around the corner, I wanted to start a thread to see who else is planning to attend this year! Whether you're a seasoned convention-goer or it's your first time, let's connect and share our excitement for this upcoming event. I'm particularly excited about: -...
Hey everyone, I'm thinking about attending Anime Midwest this year. It's supposed to be in Rosemont from July 5-7. Has anyone been before? What's it like? Worth the trip?:cool::cool:
AnimeCon.org is thrilled to announce not one, but TWO incredible conventions this year, right here in Minneapolis! Mark your calendars for May 24-26, 2024, because we’re bringing you an epic weekend filled with all things anime and pop culture at the beautiful Hyatt Regency Minneapolis. ✨...
-12-21-2019- https://to-heart.fandom.com/wiki/Konomi_Yuzuhara she finally arrived, after about a full month of waiting.
A Combined Tribute to my Space-Cadet Childhood; having typically-1980's parents with visions of their kid becoming an Astronaut someday, my mom got me numerous NASA-themed toys such as the 1985 CABBAGE PATCH KIDS "YOUNG ASTRONAUTS" Doll, and my plastic-modeller dad building numerous NASA and...
Just got this little sweetie in from AmiAmi a couple days ago. i've spent that time making her an entirely new set of undies, as well as trimming away the excess fabric at the dress' seams, providing a much more natural fit than possible straight-out-of-box;
(( VERSION 1, RIGHT SIDE, VERSION 2, LEFT SIDE )) two of the NEW OBITSU 24cm. ver.2 bodies just came in, -both White skin/Med. Bust- and they fit my two 24cm. sized girls Fabulously. they are a 100% improvement upon the 24ver.1, striking me as a refined development upon the AZONE "Pure...
AZONE Pure Neemo character doll of the main character from the late-2000's Manga, and early-2010's Anime, "Shinryaku! Ika Musume"/"The Squid Girl" a most unusually charming Anime series, and a must-see!! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squid_Girl i've ported her over to the OBITSU 26 (MEDIUM...
stylized Japanese Miko (Shrine Maiden) costume, generally inspired by;
I go tomorrow! https://www.animebanzai.org/
as much of a vendetta as i tend to have against TOYNAMI and their proudly-abysmal quality-standards, i suppose i do have them to thank for getting me into Anime character dolls back in 2001, via their short-lived 11in. "Tenchi Muyo!" doll line. indeed, i generally feel i've more or less come a...
they're SO Cute and Pretty♥ wish i could afford them all; they're SO Cute and Pretty♥ wish i could afford them all;
from the basis of this; and this; and this;
Anyone know anything else about this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-oKdY0K644
https://ah-my-goddess.fandom.com/wiki/Skuld https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skuld https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oh_My_Goddess! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sakura_Wars https://sakurawars.fandom.com/wiki/Sakura_Shinguji
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi_(To_Heart) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/To_Heart 1999 "VOLKS Ultimate Figure Series" To Heart Multi HMX-12, re-bodied with the OBITSU 26 M-bust N-skin;
a modest little collection of dolls and paraphernalia spanning the near-25 year history of this classic series of Japanese-market Visual Novels; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/To_Heart https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/To_Heart_2 -from LEFT to RIGHT- Lucy Maria Misora;...
i've made so many modifications to this doll that i figured i might as well make a new thread altogether, so as to minimize any possible confusion; CardCaptor Sakura goes way back with me, all the way to the original BANDAI/TRENDMASTERS bendy-body dolls of almost twenty years ago, the...
MegaHouse/ALTER doll heads, on OBITSU 26cm. doll bodies; * Konomi Yuzuhara from "To Heart 2" https://to-heart.fandom.com/wiki/Konomi_Yuzuhara * Mikuru Asahina from "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya" https://haruhi.fandom.com/wiki/Mikuru_Asahina
Damn it, they cancelled Anime Banzai. Why? I mean we'll all be wearing freaking masks and knowing anime fans we'd show up if people started vomiting blood. Actually many of us would show up just to see that. So, did they cancel yours too?
Hi I'm Koen and just new on this site :), I have a meeting coming up with my firned and we decided to do cosplay, but I've never done that before. So I got no costume as well, and that's a problem. So I'd like to ask you what kind of cosplay can you recommend for me? I'm a male. Just under...
Hi there! I got a small Maromi Plush with the Paranoia Agent volume 1 box set and I was just wondering if anyone knows if it is worth anything? I've looked all over online but can't find another official one for sale, just ones people have made themselves. Here is a picture of the toy and the...
my local WAL MART got a large stock of these individually-sold panties in, in many varieties of color and style, all with the same beautiful elastic lace trim, $0.88 USD each. since this lovely trim is currently available in a wide variety of colors, and is wonderfully well-sized to a 1/6 or...
OMG is it hard to get these delicate, feminine details right at this Figma-like scale, especially with somewhat-shaky hands!!! well, i'm getting there, going to need to CAREFULLY clean the face up, and soften/fine-tune that facial detail, without messing up what i've already accomplished. Oh...
http://shoujodolls.com/index.php/en/catalogue/fashion-doll/840-sakura-wars-special-doll-collection-sakura http://sakurataisen.wikia.com/wiki/Sakura_Shinguji so, i've got this rather rare honey coming my way. she'll be getting the usual OBITSU BODY upgrade. more to follow when she arrives...
to quote "Parker" from the movie ALIEN; "It's... -I Don't Know- It's just... BIG!!" it is, without question, the VF-1 toy i've been waiting my life for. it's proportions are PERFECT. IN ALL THREE MODES. oh, and WHAT A SATISFYING HEFT. that leg weight, supported by such a spindly hip bar...
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