For posting incomplete lyrics and help on translating.
Ok, the first one is like this: 罪だねサンバ The literal translation I give is "criminal zamba", but the non literal translation could be "tremendous zamba". Then in this one the kanji is イモと言うなら、勝手にいいな I am really lost with that one, because for me IMO is "potato" :laugh: , and I don't think...
Whatever......................................... w h a t e v e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I've had a think and I'm not sure if this should go on this forum or a different one, so my apologies in advance to moderators if I've messed this around at all. My current project is correctly transliterating kanji and lyrics for Weiss Kreuz and for E.M.U/Sotsugyou M for a project of my own...
錆び付いた孤高の丘を 蒼ざめた月が照らす 蹌踉と歩き続けた すべて失ったまま sabitsuita kokou no oka o aozameta tsuki ga terasu sourou to arukitsudzuketa subete ushinatta mama The pale moon illuminates this lonely, rusted hill I kept staggering along, having lost everything 永遠の隙間で 足を止めて 翼 癒すつもりもなくて
I couldn't find proper forum section for this, so I will post this in here... This site is pretty jumbled-up... Please don't get me wrong... What I mean is... There are so many songs in there... And I really think that seasons should have their own...
Wow, this was a depressing song to translate. Anyway, there's nothing I particularly have a question about... though I do feel like my translation is very clumsy and unpoetic in places, so any suggestions on how to make it flow more smoothly overall would be appreciated. 一月の花を尋ねてみた 憧れはナルキッソス ... I submitted the romaji a long time ago, but this is the translation I'm working on. It's pretty straightforward but there's a couple little things I need some help with. If you love him Take him by force! It's irritating AH!...
I'm sorry if this is in the wrong place - I wasn't sure where to put it. I've romanised a song that I want to upload to the site, but whenever I try it says that I 'at least need the English lyrics'. I haven't got level 2 on the Japanese tests, and even if I had I don't have enough faith...
Hello to all -- I am a long-time consumer of, and I'm finally getting around to perhaps helping out a bit with my meager Japanese ability. よろしくお願いします。 I'm working on the Dennou Coil OP and ED at the moment, and would like suggestions/critiques on my translation. Below is...
I'm in the process of translating a bunch of lyrics from the new pillows cd (will probably submit some more later when I'm happier with them). But I'm having some trouble with the song 'Century Creepers' - particularly with the translation of 前進前提で zenshin zentei de. My trusty dictionary gives...
I am apparently feeling spamtastic today. Anyway, someone requested a translation of this song, so I did a quick one. I still don't feel like I understand some parts of it, though (and by "some parts of it" I mean "nearly all of it"). So any help would be appreciated. 月を見上げてた 蜜月は夢か 君は今どこに ...
I've decided to give a shot in translating it, because the song is absolutely beautiful. And, surprisingly translatable, compared to other works of Ali Project. どんなにあなたが探したって 見つかるわけない わたしが持つのは黒い羽 donna ni anata ga sagashitatte mitsukaru wakenai watashi ga motsu no wa kuroi hane
I think I set my bar a bit too high trying to do this song :banghead: but I've worked on it for quite a while and I think I got it mostly down. These are the parts I'm stumped on. シレンジャー Since this song likes to use a lot of random katakana, I figured this would be 試練じゃ, like "What an ordeal!"... I'm rather satisfied with the translation I've just done, but a few checks from other Japanese-speaking members on some parts of it would be a good thing. To get the full gist of the song, you must not forget this : it's a Saki Nijino...
Ok, the problem is in this line: ザラッとした砂を噛みされるがまま、夜に成る The translation I give to this, is: Night starts while I bite the rough sand I'm mixing up with "sareru", because it is usually used with the particle "ni" as passive voice, but here it is the "wo" particle representing the direct...
You mustn't doubt inmediately when you start running It is ok to pursue only a goal without looking back You are not alone on the green field Gather that courage and go forward! Face any hard thing fighting!, and you'll be able to turn it some day into a bright dream, because if you try...
There's already a translation for this one on the site, but I disagree with it in some areas, so I thought I'd translation it for personal use. There's a couple issues I'm having. おまえの姿 見るたびに 馬鹿なヤツだと 思ってた Every time I see your figure I think you're an idiot I happened upon another...
This is a touching song from the anime School Days. Actually, I think it's the only good thing about School Days. I'm confident of the romanji but the translation should suck and I may have taken a few too many poetic liberties. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. 痛みが胸を刺すの それでも嘘重ねた...
Well, since I was the one who requested that this board be split off from Lyrics Requests, I might as well actually use it, huh? Here's a seasonally appropriate translation I'd like some help with. 雪が降る 白い吐息の 巴里の街 ソリが行く 走る子供の はしゃぐ声 ピカピカと 色とりどりの 電球が 街中を クリスマス色 染め上げる
I was a frequent guest of the Lyrics Discussion (LD) board of (altough I actually posted about 3 songs only...), and went into a hiatus due to several reason, and before I knew it, was gone... So I am going to start a whole new life here in Hope you guys will accept me here, as...
Hiya everyone, sorry to break the no-thread record here. ^^' Last year, I tried to translate in French a Tokimeki Memorial 1 song, "Nijiiro no X-Mas Eve" (Rainbow-coloured X-Mas Eve). That attempt was only partly sucessful, because some parts remained obscure to me. I gave another shot...
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