For posting incomplete lyrics and help on translating.
Sticky Threads
In my time as an admin for AnimeLyrics, I've noticed that there are some rules, or at least preferences, that I've explained to people individually a number of times but that aren't written down in any kind of clear, easily-located fashion. There are also small mistakes I see people making with...
Hey all, just wanted to give you a heads up that I've changed my username from bluepenguin to EJTranslations to match the name I've been using elsewhere--plus, it's a bit embarrassing to be tied to a name that I thought was cute when I was 16 all these years later. This would probably be a pretty...
Normal Threads
I'd like some help understand this song released by BIGHEAD to commemorate the 10th Kagamine anniversary: The words themselves seem relatively straightforward but so much depend on how you interpret them so I'd like to give an interpretation of the lyrics as I go....
I'm a beginner and will need corrections and also unrelated but did I see ElectricRaichu on this site wow they are so awesome Kanji 有象無象 人の成り 虚勢 心象 人外 物の怪みたいだ 虚心坦懐命宿し あとはぱっぱらぱな中身なき人間 寄せる期待 不平等な人生 才能もない 大乗非日常が
I'm not quite adept at translating Japanese yet, but there are some songs that I just can't help but attempt. This being one of them, I've never been able to find the kanji for the song - only the romaji (so the translation might be off at times). Feel free to correct any and all mistakes you find~...
I didn't know to which location I should put it because it is something I am far from sure because I do not speak Japanese and the way the singers prononced is far from a clear word. Basically : I was listening to the above song from the fushigi no umi no Nadia series....
I submitted the lyrics for the song "Roketto-dan yo Eien Ni" from the Japanese Pokemon anime. I didn't know that it was already on Anime Lyrics. The old one: The new one that I submitted:...
I don't know japanese and can't pass tests, and I wouldn't even touch this theme, but lyrics for this song do not exist on any lyrics' websites. I coppied it from niconico hardsubs and wanted to save it somewhere so chose to contribute it here, if you accept. Song is Tooi Yakusoku (遠い約束) by singer...
The song is titled "Oni no Mori" by CHiCO with HoneyWorks. I only take reliable, accurate translations and I found this one in the comment section of a video, though I forgot who did it. I couldn't find any others in a website, so can you check this please? If there are mistakes, I would really...
This stanza confuses me, especially the "Moji wo matsu," which seems like it's thrown in randomly and doesn't connect to the theme of everything else. Can anyone offer feedback? The song is Only You by Hakushi Hasegawa. 思ったときできた 肌から臓が 着ずれ 文字を待つ そこら中 嫌われそうな
This song is so weird. Please help me. 鬼の首を取ったように喜んで 誰かに教えてどうすんですか そんなこそこそやってまでして oni no kubi o totta you ni yorokonde dareka ni oshiete dou sun'desu ka sonna kosokoso yatte made shite
First of all, the majority of the song is taken from But since parts of these lyrics are missing (as always) and other parts are clearly NOT what they're singing (Eroi koto ga suki na yatsu, Kimochi ī koto ga suki na yatsu),...
Greetings. I've been meaning to translate songs for a while now and just got around to translating the theme song for the game "The Alchemist Code" / "誰ガ為のアルケミスト". I did the Japanese tests a few days ago but haven't heard back yet. Is there something else I need to do? I of course picked a...
I want to post this but before I want to check them. Thank you in advance. 未熟 無ジョウ されど 美しくあれ Inexperienced, heartless (uncertain), but even so, be beautiful. No Destiny ふさわしく無い こんなんじゃきっと物足りない くらい語っとけばうまくいく 物、金、愛、言、もう自己顕示飽きた No Destiny would tie you and me.
I'm translating very very blue sky by Kid, an entry for Magical Mirai 2020, and I'm stuck on one line. The second chorus goes like this: WoWWoW 雑踏に迷い込み WoWWoW zattō ni mayoikomi WoWWoW Getting lost in the crowds WoWWoW 時々、空見上げた
I'm sort of unsure about the translation, so can somebody check it? No hard feelings from me.
I wanna submit a translation for this ending, but I wanna make sure it’s accurate enough to submit. Kanji lyrics 窓の外の景色 移り変わって 季節までがあたしを置いてく 誰より近くにいて 不安の種に どうしてあのとき気づけなかった? あなたの姿が見えなくなる前に たったのたった一言
I'm working on a translation for Miracle Orange but I'm stumped with the verse あのときがいいな初めてみーんらい / 明日を揺らすの / キミへの想い強くなるだけ SouthSoilHome made a cover so I asked him what みーんらい means. He thought maybe it's meant to be taken as "midnight" but he wasn't sure. I'm also having trouble...
Before you can post transliterations and translation on AnimeLyrics, there are a few guidelines you should be aware of. I am aware this is a lot of text, but I ask that you read it carefully before you begin posting. Who can submit what: There are limitations as to who can submit what Users...
In seeing multiple translations of the Bump of Chicken song Hello, world!, including the commercial one by Funimation, the phrase ご自分だけがヒーロー is translated as "I am the only hero" (Funimation) or "myself is the only hero" (here on AL), and I've yet to see a translation which doesn't reference... I was reading Ayu Ohseki's translation of AAWY to check whether I had understood it properly and I ran into a difference where I couldn't tell if was an interpretation thing or if I was just wrong. I was hoping for someone else's opinion:...
Hey everyone, it's been a while! お久しぶりです! Real life kept me busy for the past couple of years, y'know how it is. :sweatdrop I've been working on this song on and off whenever I had time for a while now. Obviously I had to go for a Sound Horizon song right off the bat... err, not gonna lie,...
Years ago, I was wanting to translate this song based on The Thousand Nights and the One Night. However, the lyrics featured that neat trick that a lot of doujin songs do wherein they change the words but don't reflect it in the lyrics sheet. =_= orz Many of the words were Arabic, and Akkun was...
Hello, I asked a friend to translate this song and would love it if anyone can help give it a check and probably upload it to the animelyrics database as I have no access to upload them. I love both the song and the circle so much and would love it if the lyrics can be shared. Song can be heard...
Hi all Trying to transliterate this beauty. I'm no good with japanese, between JLPT5 and JLPT4 now. Found original kanji here I did recognized katakana words as french, since i know it a bit. But i'm doubting some other words. 1. furigana...
Someone asked me to translate doriko's Onomapet. You can find the lyrics and my draft translation on my site (you need to click on the "English" button to see the translation). I don't know if the song is meant to make much sense, but I think I can translate most of it, just near the end...
So I'm translating Placebo by Hachiya Nanashi ( and I'm hung up on the following bit: 汚れた目がなんたてったって とうにどうも救われてる あり得ない奇跡が起こってる 栄光と希望のビジネスモデル 引っ張っていってよ未来に Specifically on the "なんたてったって" part--I can't quite parse it, and it doesn't seem to be...
I'm having trouble interpreting a couple of lines in 君が歌う僕の歌. Lyrics and play links on my website. Click on "English" to see my provisional translation. The song commemorates Meiko's 12 anniv. of release. My understanding is that the singer is the songwriter and 君 refers to Meiko. It seems that...
Ahh this one's been bugging me for ages: Full kanji: Full romaji: Full translation: Problem 1 チャンス到来モノに出来たら じゃあねお先に失礼します そんな強がり空回りかな
I have several half finished songs for this lyric challenge right now, and I was hoping that someone could assist me with one of them. For some unknown reason, a song from my distant past entered my mind two weeks ago, and as more lyrics came to me, I realised to my horror that is was Mahoro de...
Can anyone help me with this song? Lyrics: Click on "English" to see draft translation. Click the play tab to listen, but it might not add much to just reading the lyrics. The bits I'm struggling to understand are:
I understand 初恋予報 except for one phrase which is so frustrating ... I bet it's going to embed a video player when I hit submit but anyway here's the link to the video. Lyrics are here. The bit I don't get is 蹴っ飛ばした空 in verse 5: 「バカにするなよ」 売り言葉ニガイ言葉 コウカイ先に立たない 蹴っ飛ばした空 泣き出しそうでマルデ ココロ曇天模様
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