Any and all discussion about those nasty habits called Massively Multiplayer Online games go here. I'll send word to the outside world you're OK!
Sticky Threads
This section could use one of these. When posting a request, please try to be as descriptive as possible so as to let others know what excatly it is you're looking for. It is also useful to list any past MMOs you've played. When offering a suggestion, please also be as descriptive as...
Normal Threads
Ever heard of the game Black Desert Online? Well please be informed that the game has been remastered wherein it was already well known for its well-designed graphics and contents before yet it has been improved once again. As of now, the game’s visual display and audio content has been improved...
Anyone still play? I only play on holidays to get the holiday items. I used to be an addict to the game. The longest I've played is like a whole day straight, and I got to like lvl 76 to 77 in one day. Not easy, so yea.
I just started playing this game today, very addictive. Anyone else here play? It'd be cool to actually play with some other people. If you don't have it, here's a link, free to play.
The name of the game is Akaneiro Demon Hunters. Anyone here played it? And is it any good? Here's some official artwork for the game. Click to see full size (it's a MASSIVE image).
Anyone else around these parts a fellow player? my principal Character, "MissMikuru" modeled off my Anime Waifu, "Mikuru Asahina" of "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya" Fame;
Does anyone else like Skyforge? I started a while ago and have enjoyed it a lot. You can add me here: Kuraudo Kasai. Feel free to add and play with me.
Hello everyone! I'm working as Game Master for this game that will launch a little bit later this year and I'm curious if anyone here have heard of it. If you played Eden Eternal or Aura Kingdom before then you might recognize the style since it's from the same developer in Taiwan (X-LEGEND). ...
So Neverwinter just came out for the Xbox One today. I'm just curious if anyone is going to play it? If you have a gold membership then it's free to play! Anyone that doesn't know, it's an MMORPG that came out in 2013 for the PC and is free on steam too. I prefer the Xbox version only because when...
Anyone else besides me play this? Graphically appealing, new character releases every few weeks or so, multiple classes to choose from, and FREE. Why you should consider playing it: League of Legends is, in my personal opinion, a new approach to MMO's. Instead of having to pick wild berries...
So i've recently started playing DC Universe Online and I must say I was impressed. I didn't think it would be as good as it really is. So who else plays? What server? I play on the USPC server, PVE. Username is Queen Cirque Who's you're mentor and what are you're powers? Mine is...
there really isn't a thread for this already? i bought GW2 because i heard a lot of great things about it, and it doesn't charge you monthly to play, which is a BIG plus for me. i refuse to pay for a game i already bought, and will never pay subscriptions for any game (or beg my mom to pay it...
Right now I'm into Luminary: Rise of the GoonZu. (See my signature) I love how friendly and cooperative the community is. Plus running for the next GoonZu (the server-wide leader) is always a thrill! Elections and voting happen live!
So I'm sure some of you have seen or heard something about this game somewhere, but I'll summarize it. BDO is an open world MMORPG coming out soon. It currently has a Korean version, but the NA version is set to release in the "early quarter of 2016" as there is no date confirmed yet. Closed...
I play elder scrolls on ps4 and wanted to know if anyone else plays it
Okay so I know there is already a thread that Ribbon made about Aura Kingdom back in June of 2014, but I would like to start here by saying this is an updated one with a little more in depth description of AK. Aura Kingdom is an Anime styled MMORPG made by X-Legend and published by Aeria Games....
I just started the game Elvenar, but have no friends on the game. Does anyone have an account that they'd be willing to play with me on? I'd love to have some other players who'd be willing to play and maybe make a fellowship with!
What do you guys think of this game, Blade and Soul? It's coming out tomorrow I cant wait :D
Hello! i just started back with FFXIV and was wondering if anyone here plays? kinda boring running arround not knowing annyone in the game. im on the figaro server.
Anyone play DIII?
PDoD, Pokémon: Dawn of Darkness is quickly becoming the worlds best (free to play) Pokémon MMORPG available. We have frequent updates and a community growing quicker by the day, this is due partially to the fact we have designed a custom game region and also game engine, not based upon any content...
So, I recently got this game called Echo Of Souls, it's not like the more recent MMORPGS, but it's sorta of like them except more smooth. For right now, not much social people play on there, and I was hoping that I could bring some of you guys on there. Reply with your username and server if you...
First of, I'm a diehard Bethesda fan. I'll never forget my early experiences with the Fallout series, and their other releases like Daggerfell and Morrowind, which were, in my opinion, game-changers (pun intended). Despite the many glitches and slow-to-render maps, I believe that Skyrim was, and... It is obvious that most of the players play MMOs to satisfy their psychological needs. And I believe that many people play MMOs for a variety of reasons. For me, exploring a new fantasy world is a very useful way to reduce...
I recently began playing AK with my friend and I was wondering if any of you also play. Just drop your character names and server. Maybe we could play together or something.~
While I was browsing around the forum, I found this section dedicated to MMO's, so I started wondering if there's anyone here is actually still playing any? I did play some MMORPG(s) before, but it all stopped ever since the dawn of Minecraft, the 3 lane highway games & FPS online games, & I...
Anyone else purchase the game? If so, hit me up if you're on Dragonfall; just add Eigenvalues to friends list. Link to the official site: Anyways, for those of you who don't know what it is, TERA is a new MMO (released May 2nd, so just over one week ago) that has...
Tree of Savior, also known as Project R1, is a game currently in development by Korean developer IMC Games. Led by the "father of Ragnarok Online" Kim Hakkyu, this game aims to be the spiritual successor of Ragnarok Online 1. Description: Tree of Savior, also known as Project R1, is an MMORPG...
I've been wondering when the time for the official beta or release date for the game because it's looks awesome.,1.shtml Apart from the ten games in this article, any other nice facebook games to recommend?
Something to talk about for all mmo players, recently alot of my friends and guildmates in RO or Luminary and some of the games i play even in Farmville quit , I just want to know whats your reason you leave a game that you play.. for me its a technical reason cuz before i play RF online but my...
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