Converse with others in Japanese!
Sticky Threads
Please use this thread to recommend sites for studying Japanese. Do not spam this thread: only post if you are recommending something. Here is an example of how it should be written: Title: URL: Author: (if known) Content: (kanji, vocab lists, grammar, neat features etc) Level: (beginner,...
youkoso, no fo-ramu he! kono fo-ramu ha nihongo wo dekiru, renshuu shitai hito no tame ni. anata ha koko de eigo wo hanasu, hito wo bujoku suru, supamingu suru koto ha kinjirareteimasu. kono kantan ru-ru wo shitagatte, soshite tanoshiku jikan wo sugoshite kudasai.
Looking for someone to chit chat with in Japanese? You've come to the right place! Below is a listing of people that would like to chat in Japanese. Please contact them, or if you can't find someone, post your own info! Please contact the person through PM, not in this thread Here is the...
Please use this thread to recommend study books and CDs (NOT music CDs) for studying Japanese. Do not spam this thread: only post if you are recommending something. Here is an example of how it must be written: Title: Author: Publisher: ISBN: Level: (beginner, intermediate, etc) Why?:...
Normal Threads
Where can you find some cozy Japanese Bulletin Board System forums like this one? I really do not understand the Japanese internet. It seems so hard to find hobby communities compared to when I'm searching in English. When I search + forums , I often find a good community to engage in. I do not...
Hello, I've been visiting for way over a decade, but this is the first time I'm participating in this forum. Better late than never huh? Hi everyone :) --- I have a question about a certain line in the Cardcaptor Sakura OP. I'm a beginner in learning Japanese and I want to...
Hey all My name is Nikolay. I am currently working in Japan at a Japanese school called Wahaha Japanese language school(Yep thats it's name). I would like to open this post for all who are considering studying Japanese but don't know how. People who studied not in Japan are also welcome! this way...
konnichi wa. watashi no namae wa Hatespawn98. koosei kyuujin shimasu desu moshi dare dekimasu hanashimasu shimasu boku ni eiwa jisho. (Hello. My name is HateSpawn98. Just wondering if anyone could speak to me in Japanese.)
Have any of you played a game that teaches Japanese? What is your experience with them? Are you N5 or N1? If you have or haven't, would you spend money to play one? How much money? What kind of features would you want in a Japanese-learning game?
I've been working as an amateur manga translator for some time now, and I'm trying to find a way to work professionally. Does anyone know of any ways to get a starting level jo as a Japanese to English translator?
I'm going to be taking Japanese 1 next quarter :D but I'm just curious about what others felt about the class. How many semesters/quarters have you taken for Japanese? Did you like the class? Was it hard? etc, etc.
Hello, everyone. Yes... Let me preface this by saying that I know I've had a bit of a hiatus (and I haven't forgotten that I owe some of you revised translations), but now that my semester at uni is coming to an end, I have a little time to make a short comeback for the foreseeable future...
Please grade my Japanese test. It's been ungraded for 9 days now. My username is GenjitsuTy.
I was thinking about phrases found in Japanese that we share in English, or at least ones that have become known. This main one I'm thinking of really relates to a lyric I'm translating but since this isn't how the actual line goes, it didn't seem right to place it in the lyric discussion...
Lame thread title, I know. The intended purpose of this thread is for people of all levels of Japanese to come together and share information that they've recently discovered. This may be something that is only new to them, something that makes perfect sense but has never been looked at in a...
Looking through the forums, I deemed this probably the most appropriate place to make such a thread. Anyhow, I'm curious what other people's romaji styles are. As my fellow transliterators would know, there's really no "right" way. That being said, I've been trying to perfect mine for many...
So I was working on transliterating some lyrics and ran into the little っ and I just really don't know what to do with it in the specific situations it's popping up. There's a bunch of instances like ほやほやほやっと and I'm assuming I'd write that out as "hoyahoyahoya tto", but I'm not really sure? ...
I was wondering if anyone would be willing to answer a few questions about the Japanese test? In particular, on the transliteration part of the test, how are we supposed to transliterate the particles は, を, and へ, as well as the ん kana? Are thes particles supposed to be transliterated as they...
Does anyone know what the point of writing words in Katakana is when the words themselves are commonly written as Hiragana? I see it all the time, with the most common example I think would be kimi (君・キミ).
I went to japan and joined the Yakuzaz when i was in high school. They had me chatting writing rap songs and hanging out in no time. Anyone here gonna bring me back up to date with the slang in the japanese? I wanna speak this language again; I dont remember anything. I knew a bunch of...
So, with my work we do a lot of mindless, repetitive work. We're aloud to have music playing with a headphone in to 'help pass the time'. Instead, I wanna use this time wisely and learn some Japanese. I'm wondering if anyone here may know of any good audio books or audio apps on the Android store I...
They are: 魔法少女きららとさらら-さらら變身畫面 魔法少女きららとさらら-きらら變身畫面 They look similar but are slightly different (I think one of the Japanese symbols is different).
786 Okay, so it's like this. I was rewatching Hanasaku Iroha and my mum noticed that they refer to the manager as "Kamisama." I found this unlikely, but I paid attention and sure enough, they call her "kami" in all variations. O kami, Kami-san, Kami-sama, kami, kami, kami. I thought they might...
I want to learn Japanese, but I have a few issues keeping me from doing so at the moment. The first problem I have is that I do not learn well in a completely immersive environment. All the colleges I looked at have classes where the professor never speaks a word of English. For whatever reason,...
Konnichiwa! Watashi wa Wendy Marvell! Ogenki desuka?
皆さん、初めまして、僕はマイカといいます。マイカと呼んでくださいね。もう18年間日本語を勉強しています。 僕はユーチュブでアニメレービュービデオを作っています。:laugh:
こんな経験がありましたか? ある時に、ある場所で、ある歌や曲と初めて巡り合えて、惚れてしまいましたこと。 曲が有名かどうか関係ない。 歌ってる人が人気があるかどうかも関係ない。 重要なのは、その瞬間否定できないのトキメキのみ。
「ヒマ」です。 やるべき事はないでわないんですから、「暇」でわありません。 でもあまりにつまらなさすぎですから、ちょっとした現実逃避です。 だから「ヒマ」です。
in wat ways do u guys get the meanings of the words or try 2 learn the language???!!!!!!!:laugh::laugh::cool::cool:
Here's secreenshots of the 2 options menus
From the song Uragiri no Yuuyake by Theatre Brook Here's the lyrics I'm talking about. yakkai ni karamitsuku ase o kirisaku you ni shite And aa asahi wa noboru
Ohayou! , first of all if this is seen as spam, i'm sorry, delete this post please. We are a pair of programming students and japan freaks and we made a free app to learn/practise japanese by playing. I would hate that people could see that as spam. I just wanted people to see my work ^^ ...
Update daily ( Youtube Links ) -No sex in hospital - Japanese comedy Engsub Super super funny ! LOL :mtongue:
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