For posting any corrections on already loaded lyrics. I've already attempted contacting the translator by PM on 21/12/19 (yes this is when it was in the queue) with suggestions but it appears that the user doesn't use the forums at all. As a result, I'll cut out the phrasing suggestions... While I do think there are corrections to be made, there are many points in this translation where I can't tell if the liberal translation includes all the information of the Japanese or not. The problem comes with me being unable to...
I noticed that in the first line of the Lost One's Weeping's romaji lyrics there's a pretty minor mistake (but I figured I'd bring it to the site's attention!) "hawatari suu SENCHI no fushinkan" should be "hawatari suu SENCHI no...
Hello everyone, I was practicing this (hitori janai - ひとりじゃない) song for karaoke and found an kanji error. Here's the link: The line that reads:
In the sixth verse, first line, a word was inadvertently omitted. The line reads: 届け! 巻き込むほど熱く It should read: 届け! 世界と巻き込むほど熱く Please note that I only verified through listening to the song. The romaji has the song as "Hibike! Sekai wo..." where I believe I heard "Hibike! Sekai to..."...
In Kimi ni Gomen ne verse 8 Abekobe ren'ai housoku is translated Is going against the rules of love Although she has now deleted all her translations, a record of it on VocaDB shows an amendment is getting all mixed up—that’s the rule of love which agrees with my translation is all mixed...
皆さん、こんにちは! Looking through the translation I have found something strange so I suggest some corrections. 1. I feel that the first line means «When summer is over (already)»: «when» is close to «if» in its meaning but is not the same, I think. 2. The 2nd and 3rd stanzas mean: «I stopped...
I've been looking at Hikarin's translation of Kokoro and I wonder if there are some minor mistranslations. I don't think they're misleading, just not as accurate as they could be. v5 l2: nazeka namida ga tomaranai... Why? My tears don't stop... → For some reason my tears don't stop ... ...
The lyrics are correct until the end ("Ima sugu kimi ni Aitai yo"), but then the last two lines are missing: "hold me tight I miss you"
Hello together, I found a mistake in the lyrics of Nagareboshi: The part 'sou sou dakara boku mo' is wrong. It should be 'sono naka de boku mo' as in the Kanji Version -> "その中で僕も" I believe this should be the correct romaji translation based on the original kanji and hiragana found on most sites. Please have a look. Kishin da omoi o hakidashitai no wa Sonzai no shoumei ga hoka ni nai kara Tsukan da hazu...
"T" is missing in the first word in the Kanji version. URL:
Another full retranslate to submit for review for an old Slayers song! (Whenever admin is available to approve o/) Active link: Kanji: New proposed translation: A new wind sends a shiver through...
(Tumbling in here for the first time in eons...!) This translation has bugged me for many, many years since it is just... Wrong (machine translated?), so here is a more accurate translation for it o/ Active link: Kanji:... I've already gone through and corrected the kanji and romaji (and typos in the footnotes) This is a translation correction so please could you handle this bluepenguin I'll...
More old Slayers songs! The lyrics of this one are closer to the mark but still have a lot of errors. Active link: Kanji: Red: Incorrect lines Orange: Possibly subjective lines Green:... Romaji corrections: Ari no mama no Sugats miseru no yo > Ari no mama no Sugata miseru no yo Translation: The wind whispers in my heart "It's no good the way it is now" v6 l3 kawaii sou → kawaisou – Japanese lyrics have 可愛そう, not 可愛いそう v6 l5 hiki chigirareta → hikichigirareta – seems to be one word, see 引き千切る v8 l4 mogaki aegu you o → mogaki aegu sama o – It's difficult to hear, but see...
Some romaji corrections: v2 l2 kuukijuu → kuukichuu (it sounds like it plus it makes more sense to me) v3 l1 marude is one word vv4,10,11 I think deshika is two words de shika v8 I usually write mitasou as one word (though some Japanese speakers write it as two) v10 uto → uta Can we also...
I'm going to post what I heard as the lyrics. Some parts aren't clear enough for me to hear the words to, so feel free to try and correct or improve some parts of it! The Lyrics Page: ...
First stanza, second line. should be kore kara instead of korekare.
In , I believe the part "Kurueru Kureunai" which translates to "Psychotic, unable to go insane" is not correct. In the anime at funimation, the translate it to "shakeable, unshakeable"
Good day! o/ Here is the song and here are corrections I would like to offer: = 1st stanza: 3rd line: 'kimochi yo todoke' (instead of 'wo') 4th line: 'arigatoU' 5th line: 'ni Itatte'
Damesukekun said that Rei's translation of Lady in the Singing Room has "many" errors. I've had a look and I think the last verse has been misinterpreted. そうなの、あんたも偽りの愛をまた欲しがるのね。 お金で買える愛情なんて、もう 「さよなら」でいいわ。 Rei has That's right, you probably will also want a sincere love. It's not...
In the second and third chorus the second time is sung differently. Instead this: (uraura ryaryaryarya totechitetonshan) hii fuu mii yoo itsu muu janjan (uraura ryaryaryarya totechitetonshan) hii fuu mii yoo itsu muu janjan (kauntodaun) (uraura ryaryaryarya ... This is a translation correction so please could you handle this bluepenguin I'll proceed in the order kanji, current translation, recommended translation, justification (just in case). 月明かり流れ込んで 影を並べた Our aligning shadows flowed...
the translation is wrong in these two lines: mukashi wa yokatta tante iitaku wa nai nda keredo kurikaeshitai omni mo aru nda it should be: even though I am reluctant to say that the past was good there are some memories I want to relive. There is an error in those lyrics (located around the middle of the song): "hokori takaki uragirisha ni wa REKUIEMU wo... Wow" This is not "uragirisha ni wa " but "uragirimono ni wa"
Last Line, tsuyoi kimi no koe ni aa naze {ga} namida ga afureteta it's tsuyoi kimi no koe ni aa naze ka namida ga afureteta
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