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Conversation Between BluGru Mitsuo (Tori) and aether

109 Visitor Messages

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  1. wow. thats cool that you grow some veggies and you can use that to cook but it is sad that they died.
  2. They were tomatoes, kale, acer and a type of lily. All of which are now practically dead except for the kale actually
  3. that really sucks. what type of plants do you grow
  4. yeah they aren't exactly winter plants and the greenhouse was the only place I had where they could get some shelter from the direct cold weather but they don't even have that now
  5. oh wow
  6. Nope and so the plants inside are no suffering because of it
  7. oh thats not good
  8. And today my greenhouse was partially destroyed by the high winds we've been having here lately.......
  9. yes indeed lol
  10. Playing video games releases endorphins which help the body to relax itself even if you get really frustrated at it.
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 109
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