It's a fun Digimon forum.
Sounds cool, but I have no idea what The Digital Burst is.
I am solely the site legend of The Digital Burst again. The new look screams iconic.
Lately? Not a whole lot. I've been learning Mandarin. I've also been rewatching Breaking Bad with some online friends. How about you?
Well, no. I dropped Season 2 of Jujutsu Kaisen, which sounds crazy because everyone seems to love that series. But there have been (hints?) of a new Digimon project coming in 2024, which has a metaverse theme. A new anime too perhaps? My fingers are crossed!!
I see. Are you watching any anime lately? I've been watching less than I used to. I'm curious what good shows you would recommend.
I've slowed down, posting-wise. I'm not as active.
Hey Somm. I'm surprised to see you're still posting on this website despite its low activity.
Hi, Wio, how goes it!!