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Conversation Between Clayton_n and Oddball

16 Visitor Messages

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  1. I don't know who shamed you or why you gave a damn about their opinion, but killing yourself over an anime is not the way to do it.

    Killing the guys who dubbed stuff for 4Kids though....
  2. I named myself Oddball because I want to make peace with the fact that just because I'm nuts, doesn't mean I am insane.

    But that's the thing, they shamed me for being unable to enjoy Eva due to my PTSD, telling me I should kill myself.

    I know real life and insanity doesn't have to be depressing, but that's how it felt during Quarantine. These people called me a wimp, a snowflake, and a pussy for having social anxiety. But they ignore the fact they're the ones who gave me social anxiety in the first place by reporting me to the FBI for false allegations of pedophilia and zoophilia.

    They said my depression was causing me to be insane, and should be.
  3. Dude you named yourself Oddball. You're nuts. But no real life and insanity doesn't have to be as depressing as Evangelion made it out to be.
  4. I just want to feel that I'm not insane like the fandom said I was. They have often accused me of being schizophrenic for having strong emotional ties to Shinji, and furthermore accused I was faking my depression because Evangelion wasn't helping me.
  5. No, it's Evangelion'sfault. Always.
  6. Is it my fault is screwed me over?
  7. Yup> Evangelion is messed up. Waaaay too Christian for one thing.
  8. Really?
  9. That's whY i only like the stuff that makes fun of it

    here is a google document, 19 pages, explaining everything about me and my traumatic experience with the fandom.
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