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Conversation Between SuXrys and Sizary Momo

498 Visitor Messages

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  1. That last image couldn't be displayed. :3
    Anyhow, Im going to watch some Naruto Shippuuden and then im off to bed.
    Goodnight, sleep tight, and don't let the bedbugs bite!
  2. it's fun!Except they punch a
    little too hard...;_;
  3. Lol, how crue!l! xD
  4. cause it's his birthday!
    They punched me on my
    birthday why shouldn't I?
  5. ...p..p....punch them? o___x why?
  6. i like talking to them.
    oh no i forgot to punch one of
    them because it was his birthday!
    i started punching him and then he
    started running!I'll just get him
  7. You sure seems popular amoung the boys ^^
  8. i replied....
  9. i think i moderated it...
Showing Visitor Messages 241 to 250 of 498
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