View Full Version : A Futuristic Lent?

Robin Sena
11-21-2010, 02:57 PM
I came up with what could be the envisioned makings of a Sci Fi story:
A futuristic concept (no offence to the church; I am Roman Catholic) of
observing Lent would be like collecting all our vices we wish to give up for
Lent and storing it in 12 huge steel ribbed shipping container like "container
vaults", one vault in the second one, like those stacked Russian hollow dolls,
then placed in a huge planet sized solid armor steel sphere, known as a
"barriersphere", opening and closing like a havled clamshell, then locked up for
54 days, with the used of digital time lock stop clocks that would count down
the days, hours, minutes and seconds, and wouldn't open the sphere and the
vaults until the 54 days were up, which would be after the octave (8 days) of
Easter. The object for those that locked up their said vices was to stay strong
asgainst temptation during Lent during the 54 day period; those that gave in,
risked physically and literlly the overriding of the time locks and the explosions
of the barriersphere and the vaults within. Those that stayed strong against
temptation during Lent, even when the vices bashed and broke through the 12
vaults, but not broke throught the sphere, and stayed strong at the end of 54
days, were the ones that succeeded. OK, so words alone don't describe well,
but my story would be 'bout the one that succeeds.