View Full Version : Warhammer Fantasy 8th Edition.

06-24-2010, 05:52 AM
So the new edition will be on us soon(July 10th actually) and it changes things pretty drastically. Here are some of the more reliable rumors.

Army construction is moving back to percentages.
25% max lords (includes mounts)
25% max heroes
25% MIN core
50% max special
25% max rare

You can have a lord level character leading a small army if you want to (within the points), you don't have to take a hero as you do currently.
Categories for core/special/rare are remaining.

- An added ‘bonus’ of getting an ‘extra’ +D6 or +D3 inches of movement to your move range (presumably the D6 or D3 decided by the category of warrior; infantry/cavalry/ogre sized).
Heavy cavalry no longer able to march
– Heavy cavalry, defined as any cavalry with a 2+ or better save, cannot march. They can double their move when charging as normal, but they are not allowed to make a March move.

Generating Power and Dispel Dice
- Power dice aren’t generated by the number of spellcasters. The amount of dice is decided by 2D6. The active player gets the total as power dice and the other player the highest throw as dispel dice (throw 3+5, = 8 PD and 5 DD). (confirmed). Dwarfs get +2 to dispel, not +2 dispel dice.

Casting Spells
- To cast a spell, roll 1 to 6 Power dice and add your caster's power level. EG: A Slann casts fireball and uses 2D6. He rolls a 3 and a 4 - score of 7. He than adds his Power Level of 4, which results in a total roll of 11.

- Caster levels are now added to dispel rolls.

- Miscasts are entirely gone, but are replaced by a combined irresistible force/ miscast table effectively:
When you roll a double 6 the spell is cast with irresistible force, but the Caster has to roll on the "lost control" chart, which is devastating, and far more worse than the current miscast table.

- Fewer armour save modifiers.
- Archers fire in two ranks (not just High Elves but all archers).

Fear and Terror
- When in combat, units or monsters with these rules gain 1 or 2 or 3 points of Static Combat modifier. This is added to the number of wounds caused by the Fear/Terror model/unit, as well as ranks, banners, etc. These bonuses may be cumulative between fear/terror causing things attacking a unit.
- Autobreaking from fear or terror is gone.

Stepping up.
- Basically how this works is that the second rank get to fight only if the guy in front is killed. But they only get a single attack regardless of what their profile attacks are, or what weapons they are carrying* . It is not clear yet whether they get to use special rules in addition to this or not at all (frenzy, hatred and killing blow etc). Only once there are insufficient models left to replace those that are killed in the attacking rank will the overall attacks of the unit drop.

It has yet to be clarified exactly how models with spears get to use them.

No word on the impact for High Elves.

Cavalry still only fight in 1 rank.


You have a unit of 20 guys, 5×4, 5 of which are in base contact with the enemy and 15 are not. The enemy strikes first and kills 6 of your guys. As you now have 14 models you have sufficient numbers to step up and replace casualties.

Because the front 2 ranks consists of 10 models overall, 6 of which are now dead, you still get to fight back with 4 models. In the next round of combat, the ranks are reset, so 5 models are in base contact, 5 in the second rank (capable of ‘stepping up’) and 4 in the third (remember, you still have 14 models). This time the enemy kills a further 8 models, leaving you with 2 models that get to fight back and a unit of 6.

This is the same regardless of which side they are attacked on.

- Fight in 3 ranks if 10+ wide (4 with spears).
Some benefit to fighting in large units, may automatically become stubborn beyond a certain unit size. – Harry

One Save to ruin them all!
- Models will only ever get one save (be it ward, mundane or magical armour). No word yet on whether regeneration is included. From Alessio himself!

More details over at Warseer (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=253845).

I like the new rule changes but that being said I wont be playing 8th ed until a new army book is out. My army is now practicly obsolete. But overall I like the way they are going. Thoughts?

06-28-2010, 03:29 PM
Damn!!!! not another one, i'm still playing on 6th edition.

06-29-2010, 07:59 AM
Damn!!!! not another one, i'm still playing on 6th edition.

I generally play 6th unless its with one friend who owns a copy of 7th edition. I'll stick to 6th till they update the army books. Then I'll probably get into it as I do like some of the changes. And it isn't something small, these are some major changes.

07-01-2010, 04:08 PM
I hadn't got into Fantasy due to the price. But I knew the rules and had played some proxy games.

Personally one of the changes is a real stinker in my opinion. The extra movement. Much of the strategy and skill in Fantasy is aquiring and properly calling charge ranges. Moving blocks of troops around in a chesslike dance on the board.

I guess that the reason for it is to reduce how often people wind up arguing over millimeters, but it moves the game away from precision positioning, and once you're going for the slap dashery 40K just does it better.

On that note how do you think the changes will affect the viability of existing armies. At this points its almost traditional that new editions hose over the dominant playstyles and force you significantly change your armies.

07-01-2010, 04:45 PM
Sunnyside if you are looking for a more tactiacl and skill based game i reccomend Piquet . Its closer to chess than anything GW makes, you might enjoy it.


08-12-2010, 03:33 PM
Just had my first test game of 8th ed. Despite my horrifying loss it was still a lot of fun. The new army list choices make it odd to pick units and I ended up taking a load of vanilla heroes. We joked about the idea of my opponent taking an entire unit of heroes. It was great fun, not sure how much is down to it being new as opposed to a fun game. Only more games will tell.
I must say I do enjoy the new magic rules. While chance can really ruin your plans it does make it farer. Also with the new combat rules the game is a lot shorter and it was definitely the smallest 2000 point game in terms of units either of us have ever played.

07-29-2011, 12:09 PM
Nice to hear it's shorter. How accurate did the rumors come out to be. Hmmm maybe I actually ought to look through those.

You can have a lord level character leading a small army if you want to (within the points),

Yay. One of the problems with getting inot the game is that people want to use their lords, and so they don't want to play low point total games. I think part of 40Ks appeal is that you can do 400 point combat patrols that work fairly well.

- An added ‘bonus’ of getting an ‘extra’ +D6 or +D3 inches of movement to your move range (presumably the D6 or D3 decided by the category of warrior; infantry/cavalry/ogre sized).

I'm thinking boo. One of the things that makes these games about tactical skill as opposed to bowling for minis with dice is precise charging and whatnot.

Otherwise I suppose the rules are fine enough for mixing things up. I just wish I had time to play!

07-29-2011, 12:18 PM
Nice to hear it's shorter. How accurate did the rumors come out to be. Hmmm maybe I actually ought to look through those.
Yay. One of the problems with getting inot the game is that people want to use their lords, and so they don't want to play low point total games. I think part of 40Ks appeal is that you can do 400 point combat patrols that work fairly well.
I'm thinking boo. One of the things that makes these games about tactical skill as opposed to bowling for minis with dice is precise charging and whatnot.
Otherwise I suppose the rules are fine enough for mixing things up. I just wish I had time to play!
They all turned out to be pretty accurate. The lord thing is all based on %. If you're playing a 400 pt game you can have a lord worth 100 or less. I agree with combat, another annoying this is the random magic. That being said after playing a few games it is a lot of fun. That's really all that matters in a game.

07-30-2011, 05:08 AM
They all turned out to be pretty accurate. The lord thing is all based on %. If you're playing a 400 pt game you can have a lord worth 100 or less. I agree with combat, another annoying this is the random magic. That being said after playing a few games it is a lot of fun. That's really all that matters in a game.

Hmmm in the old version did there used to be a lot of milimeter wars in practice. Where opposing units with the same move would approach and then someone would park his unit at the charge range of the other unit, plus a millimeter or two and hope they'd fail a charge. But then what you'd get is a fight between the two whether the first person was actually just too close. And on like that.

I suppose I can see that rule addressing that if it was going on. I've seen that just a little in 40K. But shooting is so common that dawdling like that is usually the wrong move, and one side will be trying to rush into close combat even if they're the ones getting charged.

Archaic Devices
07-31-2011, 12:23 AM
I'm quite intrigued by this (even though it was last year e_e). My friends and I play Warhammer based on a Pathfinder system, and I'm not quite sure what edition it is. I'll have to mention this to him, be interesting to try it.

07-31-2011, 06:50 PM
I'm quite intrigued by this (even though it was last year e_e). My friends and I play Warhammer based on a Pathfinder system, and I'm not quite sure what edition it is. I'll have to mention this to him, be interesting to try it.
Is that like a mix between whfrp and pathfinder? Or just pathfinder set in the warhammer world?

Archaic Devices
08-02-2011, 01:58 PM
Is that like a mix between whfrp and pathfinder? Or just pathfinder set in the warhammer world?
We use the Warhammer core rule book, battle systems, characters, etc. But we use the pathfinder character sheet. Since we also used the Pathfinder character sheet for CoC, our GM thought it would be easier to use it for warhammer as well.