View Full Version : Pathfinder

04-04-2010, 02:17 AM
In response to the release of 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons, Paizo Publishing released a series of books using a slightly modified 3.5 system they call Pathfinder. They retooled the core classes and races, changed how some game mechanics work(for instance, magic item creation now no longer requires experience), changed around some of the core feats and how they work, added new feats, and generally changed things around in order to balance things better. All of it is compatible with any 3.5 books you may have with very little conversion necessary.

I've been playing in a PF campaign lately and it seems to be pretty good, there isn't much change in the basic feel of things so far but as time goes on and we get to higher levels I'm sure I'll notice it more. Just from reading the books, however, a lot of the changes have made things more powerful or versatile. The only problems I have is that Wizards and Clerics are still ridiculously powerful(even by the Pathfinder standards) by the end of the game, and there still isn't a counterbalance for that. That and it's basically a well-presented set of houserules taken to the extreme, and while I LIKE them I don't think all of it works.

So, those of you that have looked into this, what are your opinions on it?

04-04-2010, 04:49 AM
Pathfinder is great from what it saw.Me and my friends have always been 3.5 since it came out. I didn't hear about pathfinder till a month ago.And i've only played it a couple of times. But from what i got out of it was great.I'm trying to get my buddies into it as well I would like to play it more to.
I agree with you on the over powerful clerics and wizards. i figured they would have been toned down a bit.

Digital Dragon
06-28-2010, 04:16 PM
This is the first I have heard of Pathfinder. I did like 3.5 D&D and have avoided 4th Edition, but since I have a bunch of Palladium Fantasy Second Edition RPG books, I had just planned to run that should I ever want a game with the same feel as D&D. Of course, there is nothing to stop people from still playing 3.5, either. I know people who still play Second Edition D&D.

Yugure's Goddess
08-13-2010, 11:11 PM
The DM for the group of gamers on my campus actually contributed to the PahtFinder core rulebook so he got a couple free copies of it and rights to distribute the PDF format of the book among his players, so if nothing else, I appreciate the free book! lol. Then again, that has everything to do with luck and nothing to do with the book's contents.

But I really did like the feel of the book. I never actually got to use it all since I got all busy in my classes and had to drop from the group before anything got really fun in the campaign, but it was pretty interesting. It seemed like just a kind of upgraded and more perfect take on 3.5, to me. CERTAINLY better than 4.0, if nothing else, but since I haven't used it in action, yet, I don't really have a solid opinion of the game mechanics. It didn't seem to have changed too terribly much from 3.5, though.
