View Full Version : To buy a new laptop or a new desktop

01-25-2010, 05:30 AM
Ok well here is the deal, my sister agreed to buy me a new laptop and one for one grand, and im looking to buy a sony, or another alienware. Now i have an alienware mx 15 but the hinge is cracked and i cant ever close it so i cant use it as a laptop so im pissed but just today a brillant idea hit me DUCKTAPE so now i can close it and for the firs ttime ine a whole year im in bed using it as a laptop lol. Now im thinking i have a 2ddrramgb and only 100 gb space on this alienware laptop with a 1gb graphic card*geeforce* now.... laptop now and days have 4gb ddr3!!!! ram and 500! gb hardrive and just 512 mb graphic card. and im thinking this alienware that i have now is good enough but im a freak and always want the best.... should i get maybe a care for a desktop and build my own gaming desktop with that 900 or should i get a new laptop thats stronger and better..... sigh this is my baby and now that im able to close it and carry it places i really rather not get the new laptop but the new alien ware mx15 looks soooo sick!!! lol so what should i do folks..

01-25-2010, 06:02 AM
While Alienware does have good specs for their laptops, the price is usually alot higher than what you should be paying for it. My suggestion? If you want specs, get a stationary computer since they get cheaper for the same specs, the cooling is typically better, and upgrading is less costly and more flexible.
My sollution is to have one high-spec stationary for gaming and heavy applications and one medium-spec laptop for portability.

01-25-2010, 06:11 AM
Since your post completely lacks paragraphs, has very little punctuation or grammatical structure, and reads like the ramblings of a schizophrenic, I'm not quite sure what this thread is about. But I find a lot of computer-y words in there, so I'm moving it to Computers and Technology.